Cameron's Presentation
Patient Care
Nicholas' Presentation

What are the 5 different types of "special" calls where you need different documentation? 

LDT, Refusal, 911 Turf, M1 Hold, and HEMS.


How much time do you have to finish a report? 

48 hours from the time the call was closed. 


Your patient has an SpO2 of 88% RA, and is complaining of SOB. What is the FIRST thing that you should do immediately after this finding? 

Auscultate lung sounds. You may find wheezing, Rales, Rhonchi, etc. and this would indicate a nebulizer instead of just oxygen. 


What is the difference between a scoop, and a backboard? 

The scoop literally scoops the patient without having to move them, and the backboard requires you to roll the patient to either side. 


What ETCO2 reading would you expect in a cardiac arrest patient, and what is the normal range? 

8 ish... Between 35 - 45 mmHg. 


For a 911 Turf, do you get a Discharge signature, or do you get a Transfer of Care signature? 

Transfer of Care Signature. 


What should you label the facility face sheet as, to help you out with filling out the billing tab? 

Insurance Cards


You have obtained an SpO2 of 94% on RA, P of 86, RR of 16, Temp of 98.4, and a BP of 88/60. What vital sign are you missing, and what would you do for this patient? 

BGL, and administer Normal Saline IV. 


How many mobile O2 tanks should their be at any time in the ambulance? 

5x. 1x on the stretcher, and 4x in reserve. 


You have an obviously agitated patient who is very frustrated with his daughter, but he does need to go. What is the best way to deescalate, and calm the patient down?

Remove the daughter from the setting. Since she is obviously what is agitating the patient the most, removing her from his general vicinity is the best option. 


What are the special documents that you need for an M1 Hold? 

M1 Hold Form / EMTALA, and Patient Rights form. 


What do you put for Allergies in the PMHx tab if the patient has no known allergies? 

Known > NKDA


You have a 92yo patient at an assisted living facility that had an unwitnessed fall. The patient was found about 30 minutes ago, and is on the floor, with bright-red blood spurting out of the right side of the patient's head. What medication would you want to look for that the patient takes, and what would your treatment plan be?

Any Blood thinners, and controlling the bleeding, C-Collar, scoop, monitor BP, and rapid transport. 

Are traction splints allowed to be used on a compound fracture? 


What is the correct placement of a 12-Lead EKG? 

V1: 4th intercostal space on the right of the sternum.

V2: 4th intercostal space on the left of the sternum. 

V3: directly between V3 and V4. 

V4: 5th intercostal space at midclavicular line. 

V5: level with V4 at left anterior axillary line. 

V6: level with V5 at left midaxillary line. 


What would be a scenario to where a pt cannot refuse, despite them being AAOx4? 

Immediate danger to their life, M1, Minor, Showing psychiatric symptoms. 


When you are documenting IV's in the IV tab, do you also put the NaCl flush as a medication, or do you put it in the notes of the IV tab? 

Medication. ANYTHING that you administer IV is considered a mediation. This includes the saline flush. 


You have a 58yo patient who was found unconscious. The pt has pursed-lip breathing, at a rate of 30. The pt is tachycardic, hypotensive, and is only responsive to verbal stimuli. What vital would you want, and why?

BGL, as the pursed-lip breathing is an indication of hyperglycemia. 


What piece(s) of equipment can be used as a substitution of a pelvic binder? 



Per DenverMetro protocols, what are sections 8000-8110 in relation to? 



Who was the super skilled break dancer at the end of Cameron's presentation? 

Rachael Gunn; Australia


When writing your narrative, what should you put on the "Provider narrative of timeline of treatment"?

Your own "mini-narrative" of what all happened, including all medications and everything done in chronological order. 


You have a 68yo patient with the following vital signs. BP 86/58, P 110, RR 26, Temp 101.4, BGL 240, and Lung sounds show wheezing in the upper lobes, and crackles in the lower. What alert are you calling to the hospital? BONUS: What do you suspect the patient has going on with their lungs? 

SEPSIS alert. The vitals, and the lung sounds all present with textbook sepsis. Tachycardia, Tachypnea, Fever, Hyperglycemia. 

The crackles in the lungs make me suspect pneumonia, which would be the infection that we needed for a full SEPSIS alert. 


What is the approximate cmh2o on a CPAP at the normal range? 

16 by national registry, but as long as it's in the green, then you're good. 


What are the 5 different lung sounds, and what do they indicate? 

1. Wheezing: Bronchoconstriction; Asthma

2. Rales: rattling/high-pitched crackles; infected/inflamed bronchi/alveoli.

3. Rhonchi: Low-pitched; breathing out; COPD

4. Stridor: Upper foreign body airway obstruction

5.  Crackles: Fluid in the upper lobes; Pneumonia