AmeriCorps and Math Corps 101
Tutoring and Interventions
MCDMS and Tutor Logs
Are you smarter than a 4-8th grader? Vocab edition

Website used for timesheet entry and submission.

What is OnCorps?


This year, Colorado Youth for a Change is piloting this program in effort to serve a wider demographic of students. 

What is K-3 Math Corps?


You will spend about 15-20 minutes each week on this type of instruction.

What is Fact Fluency?


This absence codes applies to when you are assessing your students (i.e., Benchmark Assessment) instead of tutoring them. This does not apply to when students are taking tests in their classrooms or taking state tests.

What is Assessing Students (AS)?


A rectangle divided into equal parts to represent a fraction.

What is Area Model?


Timesheets are due by this day and time for the previous week.

What is Monday at noon?


Student caseload sizes are between this number range, with each student receiving a minimum of this many minutes per week.

What is 24-36 Students and 90 Minutes?


These two assessments are used to enroll and progress monitor students.

What is Benchmark/Mathway Assessment and Fact Fluency Assessment (Fast Math Challenge)?


At a minimum, Tutor Log data should be entered into MCDMS this often.

What is Weekly?


To exchange groups in place value to carry out an operation without changing   the amount

What is Regroup?


Most of your training will be this timesheet category.

What is CYC Organized Training?


The Colorado Math Corps program is replicated from this state's Math Corps program.

What is Minnesota?


Math Corps uses this systematic method for teaching students that follows an "I do, We do, You do" structure. 

What is Explicit Instruction?


This online library of resources and tutorials located in MCDMS is where you can find lesson scripts, progress reports, and more. 

What is Help Center Resource?


This is a special type of ratio in which the two separate measurements or quantities are compared with a denominator of 1; a rate describes the number of units in the first quantity to 1 unit in the second quantity

What is Unit Rate?


CYC may withhold this if not timesheets are submitted within a pay period.

What is Stipend?


Math Corps falls under this category of AmeriCorps programs.

What is State and National?


This section of Math Corps lessons has students:

- Thinking aloud

- Writing and using manipulatives

- Solving problems with tutors

- Asking and answering questions

- Listening and following along

- Using vocabulary

What is We Do?


This application available to tutors throughout the year allows tutors to practice navigating MCDMS, creating tutor logs, and using the Math App without having to use their own account.

What is Sandbox?


The inverse of a value or number; to find the reciprocal divide 1 by the number. For a fraction this results in interchanging the numerator and denominator of the fraction.  

What is Reciprocal? 


90% of your activities will fall under this timesheet category.

What is Education Service at Service Site?


Colorado Youth for a Change has this many AmeriCorps programs.

What is Four?


Math Corps lessons focus on these three critical math skills.

What are Conceptual Understanding, Computational Proficiency, and Word Problem Solving?


These four pieces of information should be entered into your Tutor Logs if a student attended a session.

What are minutes, lesson number, Fact Fluency, and Stop and Checks?


When two variables are always related to each other in the same way by multiplication, when quantities have the same relative size

What is Proportional Relationship?