Who scored the fastest goal in World Cup history?
Hakan Sukur
What is the movie in which Jim Carrey discovers that his everyday life is really a TV show about him?
The Truman Show
Ustad Bediuzzaman Turkiyenin hangi sehrinde/ ilinde dogmustur?
Fethullah Gülen’in ilk görev yaptığı resmi imamlık pozisyonu hangi şehirdeydi?
What is the second largest organ of the human body?
The Liver
In which year did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) migrate to Medina? (Gregorian calendar)
How many players does a baseball team have on the field during a game?
9 players
Who are the primary workers in the choclate factory in "Charlie and the Choclate Factory"
Oompa Loompas
Risale-i Nurlarda gecen Uhuvvet kelimesi ne anlama gelmektedir?
Fethullah Gülen’in, “Hizmet Hareketi” kapsamında insanların sosyal sorumluluk bilincini artırmak için oluşturduğu en bilinen platformlardan biri nedir?
Kimse Yok Mu Derneği
How many Great Lakes are there?
How many years did Hz.Uthman serve as a caliph?
12 years
Who is the player that is on the NBA logo?
Jerry West
In IMDb's list of top movies, which movie is #1/highest rated movie?
The Shawshank Redemption
Ustadin Van da kurmak istedigi hem islami ilimlerin hemde fenni ilimlerin okutuldugu universitenin ismi nedir?
Medresetul Zehra
Fethullah Gülen, ilk dini eğitimini ailesinden ve çevresindeki hangi köy hocasından almıştır?
Sıbgatullah Efendi
Which country's flag is this?
What is the name given to the wars that were fought in the sacred months during the Age of Ignorance, despite the fact that wars were forbidden?
Ficar savaşları
Name the two players that have the most assists and blocks in NBA history.
(two different players that are #1 in respective categories)
minus points if one player is wrong
John Stockton and Hakeem Olajuwon
What is the episode number of the very first Star Wars film? (What number is it chronologically)
Fourth, IV.
Barla yillarinda Ustad’in katipligini yapmis ‘ Nur’un Birinci Kâtibi’ unvanini almis talebesinin ismini nedir?
Samli tevfik
Fethullah Gülen’in yazılarının da yer aldığı ve uzun yıllar boyunca büyük bir okuyucu kitlesine ulaşan Sızıntı dergisi hangi yıl yayın hayatına başlamıştır?
What is the country with the most active volcanoes?
Under which Umayyad Caliph was poverty eradicated in North Africa?
Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz
Who has scored the most amount of goals in a single season in the turkish super lig?
Extra 200 points if you say the amount of goals.
Tanju Colak, 39 goals.
What is the primary planet that the crew travels to in the movie Interstellar?
(a water world covered in a shallow ocean and orbiting the supermassive black hole)
Miller's Planet
Said Nursi’ye Bediüzzaman lakabının kim vermiştir?
Molla Fethullah
Fethullah Gülen, ilk kez hangi yıl hacca gitmiştir?
Name all the digits of pi that you know, minimum 7 for 500 points, and every digit after is extra 100 points.
Who was the companion that the Prophet left as his deputy in Medina during the Mecca Expedition?
Ebû Rühm el-Gifârî