A Need
A desire to achieve or change something
Immediately and ongoing in any interaction.
Build Rapport and Listen with Purpose (When)
A specific value a feature provides to a person.
Priority Need
Needs powerful enough to drive action
What is Engage?
Opening the Conversation
Physical distractions, personal biases, snap judgements, thinking ahead
Listening with Purpose (Wrong Turns)
Demonstrate Corps Values, Find Common Ground, Match & Mirror
Build Rapport (How)
Addressing needs and motivators with Marine Corps features and Benefits.
Enable (What)
Questions that allow you to gather information and encourage information sharing
Open Question
Sounding robotic and engaging without rapport
Engage (Wrong Turns)
A force that can drive a need
Focusing attention to gather information and build relationships
Listen with Purpose (What)
An identifiable characteristic of an organization or product
How do you Explore?
Use questions to explore needs and motivators, Reflect needs and motivators, and Test for yes
How do you engage?
Transition to Business, State the Agenda, and Test for Yes
The process of exploring needs and demonstrating what is available to address them
Consultative Selling
Inappropriate words, humor, or sexual references, Intimidation, Sounding Robotic
Build Rapport (Wrong Turns)
Align with the need, Demonstrate how relevant features and benefits meet the need, Test for yes
Enable (How)
To gain a comprehensive and shared understanding of needs and motivators
Explore (Why)
Use a positioning statement to let the person you're speaking with know your overall purpose, or that you are moving on to a recruiting conversation or changing to a completely new topic.
Transition to Business
Build Rapport, Listen with Purpose, Engage, Explore, Enable, Gain Commitment, Respond to Objections or Disinterest
Basic Flow of Every Consultative Recruiting Conversation
Listen to Understand, Listen for Facts and Feelings, Listen to Build Trust, Observe Body Language
Listen with Purpose (How)
What are the wrong turns of Enable?
Features without benefits and "dumptrucking" irrelevant features and benefits
What are the wrong turns of Exploring?
Too many closed questions, Blind/random questions, and Talking more than asking
Why do we Engage?
To align on an agenda and the value of the conversation.