The steps (from the TL SCP) if a vehicle is repairable.
•Verify the location of the vehicle
•If the vehicle is at a salvage yard or repair facility, contact the salvage yard or repair facility to advise the vehicle is repairable. Confirm and update any advanced charges and ensure coverage and limits have been addressed
•Notify SIP to close salvage, SIP will update PTL indicator. See Missing Parts/Salvage Deviations
•Add a file note using 371 Repairable Vehicle
•Update the pending file note to include the total loss threshold amount
•Reassign associated COLs to claim owner
•If the CO is not Injury, reassign the associated COLs and CO to Property-Complex Tier 2
Note: If the vehicle is being moved from salvage, update the comment box on the Vehicle Salvage tab to say “Deemed repairable (with date), stock # cancelled.”