the smelly dog
He ran across the street.
She had strep throat and had to take an antibiotic for 10 days until it went away.
What is an antibiotic?
A medicine to get rid of the germs.
My cat is grey and sassy.
Name one adjective from the sentence.
Grey or sassy
How can a shark grow so large if it doesn’t use its teeth to eat? It filter feeds! This means it strains food from the water through a kind of filter in its mouth. Another giant filter-feeder is the blue whale, but the whale shark filter feeds slightly differently than the blue whale.
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
Some sharks feed by straining food through their mouths.
the ugly dress
I have two kids.
The venomous snake bit her hand and she needed a doctor.
What does venomous mean?
Filled with something poisonous
The class was loud and sweaty after gym.
Name one adjective from the sentence.
Loud or sweaty
Did you know that electric eels have quite a misleading name? They do! That's because even though it's true they are electric, they're actually not eels! Instead they are a kind of fish called "knife-fish.” They are closely related to carp and catfish.
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
Electric eels aren't really eels!
a yellow banana
The dog licked its paw.
She thinks the stone is valuable, but she's incorrect- it's worthless.
What does worthless mean?
Of little or no value
My hot lunch was delicious.
Name one adjective from the sentence.
Hot or delicious
You may not believe this, but gum comes from trees. Ancient Greeks chewed something called resin. They got it from the bark of mastic trees. Ancient Mayans, who lived in South America, used something different. They chewed chicle. Chicle is very rubbery. It is made from the sap of the sapodilla tree. The indigenous people of North America chewed the sap from spruce trees.
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
Chewing gum originally came from trees!
5 orange shirts
The bird sat on the wire.
It looked delicious but it was actually revolting.
What does revolting mean?
Not delicious- terrible or gross
The soccer game was aggressive.
Name one adjective from the sentence.
Soccer or aggressive
Spider monkeys are smart and social. They gather in groups called troops. They communicate with barks, screeches, sobs, and other sounds. They also make faces. Sometimes they even hug or wrap their tails around each other.
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
Spider monkeys are friendly with other spider monkeys.
my loud daughter
She thought for a long time.
You can tell Mrs. B is compassionate because she treats everyone kindly.
What does compassionate mean?
Caring to others
The test was long but easy.
Name one adjective from the sentence.
Long or easy
What is the largest living flightless bird? If you said ostrich, you’re right. In fact, the ostrich is the largest living bird, flightless or not. Some even weigh over 300 pounds.
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
The ostrich is the largest bird that does not fly.