Literary Elements
Select a character who...
Good Writing Habits
Writing like a Rockstar
The Long Composition
A comparison using like or as Example: Her eyes gleamed like stars.
What is simile?
The protagonist is the main character in a work of literature who often changes in some important way by the end of the work. From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a protagonist who changes in some important way by the end of the work.
In the novel, _________________ by _____________, the character ____________ changes in an important way.
To maintain a formal and scholarly tone in your long composition essay, you should avoid using this phrase.
What is "I think"?
➢ According to X, "_____________________________." ➢ X states, “____________________________.” ➢ X himself says, “____________________________.”
What are ways to introduce evidence from the text?
Most essay prompts will start with this phrase.
What is "Often in works of literature, a character..."
The atmosphere or feeling of a work. For example, the __________ of a poem may be joyful, gloomy, or suspenseful.
What is mood?
In many works of literature, a character must adjust to life in a new environment. From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a
character who must adjust to life in a new environment.
In the novel, ____________ by _____________, the character _______________ must adjust to life in a new environment.
You should do this when starting a new paragraph in your draft to let the reader know you're starting a new idea.
What is "move to the next line and indent"?
➢ Basically, X is saying ________________________. ➢ X is suggesting that ________________________. ➢ The essence of X’s argument is that ____________. ➢ In other words, X’s point is that __________________. ➢ Ultimately this shows that _____________________.
What are ways to introduce analysis (or explain quotes)?
This is the first thing you should do when given the essay prompt.
What is annotate the prompt by circling the action words and underlining the words that go along with them.
The attitude or viewpoint that an author shows toward his or her subject. For example, the ____________ of a passage may be serious, sympathetic, optimistic, or angry.
What is tone?
Often in works of literature, characters have a mixture of positive and negative traits. From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who blends positive and negative traits.
In the novel ___________, by ________, the character ___________ has both positive and negative traits.
Three strong transition words/phrases to introduce analysis.
What is "This shows that" "As a result," "Consequently," "Thus," "Hence" "Ultimately"?
Three good transitions for introducing your first, second and third evidence in a claim paragraph
What is "first of all," "in addition," "furthermore," "moreover," "also," "lastly," "finally"
Good writers do this before starting to write their draft.
What is make an outline or web with thesis, claims, and sometimes even evidence?
The suggestion of events to come. For example, in Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck uses imagery of light and darkness to ___________ the negative events that happen in the story.
What is foreshadowing?
Heroism can mean different things to different people. Literature is full of characters that can be considered heroic. From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character that, in your opinion, is heroic.
In the novel, _______ by _______, the character _______ acts heroically.
The main purpose of a thesis sentence.
What is "to state your answer to the prompt" or "to state the main point of your essay."
A good thesis for this open response question: Based on the excerpt "Rats" by Robert Sullivan, explain why brown rats have been able to thrive in urban areas. Support your answer with relevant and specific information from the excerpt.
What is: In the excerpt "Rats" by Robert Sullivan, we learn why brown rats have been able to thrive in urban areas.
Something strong writers do at the end of every claim paragraph.
What is relate ideas back to prompt?
A situation or event that is the opposite of what someone might expect. For example, a lifeguard who had to be saved from drowning.
What is irony?
Works of literature often feature characters who overcome hardship and misfortune. From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who overcomes hardship and misfortune.
In the novel _____ by ________, the character ______ must overcome hardship and misfortune.
A better, cleaner way than this to introduce evidence: In fact, in the novel I read a part that states that George made a promise to Lennie's aunt that he would look after Lennie.
What is "In fact, George made a promise to Lennie's aunt that he would look after Lennie."
A good thesis for this literary analysis prompt: Often in works of literature, characters have a mixture of positive and negative traits. From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who blends positive and negative traits. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how the character demonstrates both positive and negative traits, and explain how the character’s traits are important to the work of literature.
What is: In the novel ___________ by ___________, the character ______________ demonstrates both positive and negative traits.
X influences the outcome of the story... X alters the plot of the novel... X shapes the book's development... X is essential to the theme of the book... X changes the characters' lives... These are phrases you can use to _____________ at the end of your long composition.
What is relate or explain importance to the work as a whole?