Language & Poetry
How many syllables in the word watermelon?
What is 4 syllables?
A person, place or thing.
What is a noun?
A specific person, place or thing: example school - Powder Mill School
What is a Proper Noun?
The story of a real person written by someone else.
What is a biography?
Two words put together to make one word.
What is a compound word?
Two words that rhyme with goat.
What is float & boat?
An action word.
What is a verb?
What part of speech is they?
What is a pronoun ?
A made up story with elements that could exist in real life.
What is realistic fiction?
Shortened word with an apostrophe. Ex.can't, don't and I'm
What are contractions?
Suddenly the sky turned as dark as night.
What is a simile?
A word that describes a noun.
What is an adjective?
Mrs. Rood is an example of
What is a Proper Noun?
Story with exaggerated characters and obstacles passed down over time.
What are folktales?
Words that sound the same but have different meanings - example: blue & blew
What are homophones?
Silly Sally snuck silently.
What is alliteration?
A word to replace a noun. Example - she or he
What is a pronoun?
More than one person, place or thing.
What is a plural noun?
A part of the story that tells where the story takes place.
What is setting?
The choice of a text.
What is a selection?
A group of lines in a poem.
What is a stanza?
A word that describes the verb. Example: She ran quickly. The word quickly is ____________
What is an adverb?
One person, place or thing.
What is a singular noun?
Who or what the story is about.
Who are the characters?
An extreme exaggeration. A type of figurative language.
What is hyperbole?