Life Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Earth and Space Science
Earth and Space Science

The height of a tree in a forest is the result of

A    the environment

B    inheritance 

C    both the environment and inheritance

What is C?


A student claims sunflowers reproduce by producing seeds. What part of the sunflower would the student use to support this claim?

A.    flower

B.    leaf

C.    root

D.    stem

What is A?


Identify the three states of matter.

What is solid, liquid and gas?


On a summer day, water particles from the ocean change phase as they move into the air. What happens to the water particles as they change phase?

What is they spread further apart?

After water enters a tree, it travels through different parts of the tree. Where does it go first?

What are the roots?


A burn mark on a tree in a forest is the result of

A    the environment

B    inheritance

C    both the environment and inheritance

What is A?


Katydids are insects that live on plants. Their bodies are adapted to look like leaves. Which of the following best explains why katydids adapted this trait?

A. Katydids with this trait were better able to make their own food.

B. Katydids with this trait were better able to store nutrients and hibernate.

C. Katydids with this trait were better able to blend into their environment and survive.

D. Katydids with this trait were better able to communicate with other insects around them.

What is C?


A student is testing different types of wood to use for a bookshelf. The student tests each type of wood to predict how many books the bookshelf will safely hold. Which of the following characteristics of the wood determines how many books the bookshelf can safely hold?

A    flexibility

B    hardness

C    strength

D    weight

What is C?


Which of the following best explains why more water flows in a river in Worcester in spring than in other seasons?

A    The melting snow in spring causes more runoff.

B    The high winds in spring push on the river at a greater speed.

C    The average high temperature in spring results in fewer rainstorms.

D    The average low temperature in spring causes less water to evaporate from the river.

What is A?


After water enters a tree, it travels through different parts of the tree. After traveling through the roots, where does it go next? 

A trunk

B leaves

C branches

What is A?


Inherited characteristics of trees come from which of the following?

A    air particles

B    parent trees

C    nutrients from soil

D    several nearby trees

What is B?


Some Canada geese pass through Massachusetts as they migrate south in the fall. Which of the following best explains why these birds migrate south in the fall?

A.    There is more food in the south during the winter.

B.    There is less rainfall in the south during the winter.

C.    There are more birds in the south during the winter.

D.    There are fewer predators in the south during the winter

What is A?


A student is constructing four different electrical circuits. Each circuit has a battery, wires, a switch, and a light bulb. Which of the following is the best way for the student to record information so that another student can construct exactly the same four circuits?

A    Draw a diagram that shows each circuit.

B    Make a tally of the parts used in each circuit.

C    Make a list of the materials needed for each circuit.

D    Create a graph that shows the number of parts in each circuit.

What is A?


Which of the following statements best describes the climate of an area rather than its weather conditions?

A. The summers are hot and humid.

B. The temperature at noon was 86°F.

C. Total rainfall on April 9 was 2 inches.

D. Strong winds are expected tomorrow evening.

What is A?


Select the two sentences that describe examples of erosion.

A    Ice melts on a lake.

B    Waves rise and fall in the ocean.

C    Rainwater moves soil down a hill.

D    Rock forms at the bottom of the ocean.

E    Wind blows sand on a beach to a different area.

What are C and E?


Which of the following is the source of all the energy in your ecosystem?

A    Air

B    Grass

C    Snake

D    Sun

What is D?


In a tropical jungle, some trees produce large, thick leaves that protect their trunks and roots from getting too much sunlight. Which of the following best explains how these leaves affect the environment where the trees grow? 

A.    They provide an area for plants that need shade. 

B.    They increase the amount of rainfall in the region. 

C.    They transfer heat energy from the air to the ground. 

D.    They cause many species of animals to become extinct.

What is A?


A student looks into a mirror and sees the wall behind him. Which of the following best describes why the student sees the wall in the mirror?

A.    Light reflects off the mirror.

B.    Light curves around the mirror.

C.    Light passes through the mirror.

D.    Light scatters when it hits the mirror

What is A?

A change in the environment of an area caused the leaves of many plants to turn brown. Many of these plants died.  Which of the following changes in the environment most likely caused the plants to die? 

A.    a long drought 

B.    an early spring 

C.    a windy summer 

D.    a large thunderstorm

What is A?


Which of the following best describes how most soil forms?

A.    through the growth of trees in a forest

B.    through the buildup of snow on an iceberg

C.    through the weathering of rock by wind and water

D.    through the cooling of lava from a volcanic eruption

What is C?


Most of the sea stars have five arms, but two of the sea stars each have an arm that is much shorter than their other arms. A park ranger tells the students that the shorter arms were once missing because they were probably eaten by a fish or a crab, but the arms have started to grow back.

Which of the following best describes how sea stars are able to regrow their arms?

A.)    Sea stars learn how to regrow their arms.

B.)    Sea stars inherit the ability to regrow their arms.

C.)    Sea stars eat food that causes their arms to regrow.

D.)    Sea stars move to warmer water that causes their arms to regrow.

What is B?


Which of the following animal behaviors most likely helps to change an open meadow area into an area with many trees?

A. deer feeding on new plant growth in the area each spring

B. beavers creating ponds in the area by damming up streams

C. rabbits digging burrows underground and loosening up hard soil

D. squirrels burying seeds for winter and leaving them in the ground

What is D?


Each state of matter has certain basic properties. For each of the three states of matter, describe one basic property.

Answers will vary, but may include solids have definite shape and volume, liquids change shape based on their container but have a definite volume and flow from higher elevations to lower ones, gases have no definite shape or definite volume, etc.


How many objects in our solar system can be classified as a star?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 3

D. 9

What is B?


Soil moving downhill caused some trees to tilt slightly each year when they were young. Which of the following most likely caused the soil to move when these trees were young?

A.    an earthquake

B.    a thunderstorm

C.    weathering and erosion

D.    volcanic eruptions and lava flows

What is C?