Paper Power!
Growth Mindset Madness
MCAS Etiquette
Before you Write:
Plan, Plan, Plan!
True or False?

How should you set your paper up to take notes on a STORY (fiction) text? (BONUS POINTS: draw a quick sketch of what a plan would look like!)

Split the paper into 4 parts. Track what happens in the beginning, middle, and end. Use the 4th box to keep track of characters, problem, setting, etc. 


You come to a question that you don't understand... what should you do? (list 3 ideas!)

Some possible answers: take a deep breath and re-read, go back into the text/paragraph and look closer, cross off options that cannot fit at all to narrow it down, bookmark it and come back later, think about the question type and decide if you need to look at more than one part of the text ("Yellow light questions")


Fill in the blanks: My eyes are on my own _________ and my voice is __________ the whole time.

My eyes are on my own SCREEN/COMPUTER and my voice is OFF the whole time.


Read this prompt and then sketch/explain how you would PLAN for your writing: "Based on The Wild Robot, write a narrative that describes what will most likely happen next in the story. Use what you know about the characters, setting, and events in the passage to write your narrative."

You would use a STORY MOUNTAIN. You would use SHOW NOT TELL, DIALOGUE, and ACTION to plan out the story and then write using a story-teller voice. 


If I don't pass MCAS I won't be able to move on to 5th grade.

FALSE! MCAS is just a VERY SMALL part of our job at school. You should try your best on it because you have worked hard to learn all of this information this year! However, it will not show up on your report card or affect what grade you are in. You just want to make YOURSELF proud!

How should you set your paper up to take notes on a NON-FICTION text? (BONUS: draw a sketch of what that would look like!)

Split the paper into 4 parts. Keep track of the information from the introduction, and then use a box for info from each heading.


You start to get frustrated and rush through the test. What can you do instead?

Possible answers: take a short break, take deep breaths, use positive self talk, remind yourself how much you already know, chew some gum and take a break, stretch quietly in your seat.


If I need to get water, use the restroom, or ask a question, I should...

Raise my hand and wait until Mrs. McGraw or a teacher can come assist me.


Read this prompt and then sketch/explain how you would PLAN for your writing: "Based on 'Into the Rain Forest,' write a paragraph that explains how Lucy Cooke most likely feels about the rain forest. Support your response with important details from the article."

I would plan using BOXES AND BULLETS. I would collect evidence FROM THE STORY to support my answer. 


It should take me AT LEAST 2 hours to complete the full ELA MCAS.

TRUE. If you are using your paper to plan, writing the appropriate amount, reading all directions, re-reading if you get stuck, and taking your time, the average 4th grader should take a minimum of 2 hours on the test.

(It is 1000000% ok if it takes you longer! Take little breaks when you need it. You have ALL DAY to complete it if you need to... pace yourself and try your best!)


Why is it important for me to use my paper during ELA MCAS?

Possible answers: it helps me look back for important information, it helps me slow down and focus on what I am reading, writing helps make connections to your brain and helps your memory, it helps me catch mistakes or work through tricky parts that I am confused about.

List 3 positive phrases you can say to yourself to stay positive during MCAS:

Possible answers: I got this! I can do this! I am smart! I can show what I know! I am capable! This is just a test - try my best! It is okay not to know but it isn't okay not to try!


After MCAS, I should make sure I don't talk to others about the test because...

I am supposed to keep that information private. I don't want others to stress if they had a different answer from me.


Read this prompt and then sketch/explain how you would PLAN for your writing: "Write an essay that explains in what ways Jean-François was a “seeker of knowledge.” Be sure to use information from the article to develop your essay."

BONUS: What are some key features an ESSAY should have when written?

I would plan using BOXES AND BULLETS. 

An essay would have an INTRODUCTION paragraph, at least 2 body paragraphs with REASONS AND EVIDENCE, and a closing paragraph summing it all up!


If MCAS is tricky or hard for me, it means I am not smart.

FALSE, FALSE, FALSE! MCAS is just a test. It does not tell anyone how kind you are, how funny you are, or what a wonderful kid you are. You should work hard because you are CAPABLE, but it does NOT define who you are! 


Does the MCAS test grader see your papers?

Nope! BUT... it is still an important tool! Anything I plan on my paper can help me show off my very best work on the computer!


You are done earlier than others. You should... 

Possible answers: go back and re-check your work, add more to your writing or edit/revise it to make it even BETTER, check to make sure you didn't miss any questions.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: do NOT submit your test without your teacher's permission.


What TOOLS can you use on the computer to help you be successful during MCAS? (name at least 2)

Possible answers: the highlighter tool, the notepad, the cross-off tool to eliminate answers.


What are 3 things that are KEY to planning and writing a great PARAGRAPH or ESSAY on MCAS?

I use lots of SPECIFIC DETAILS FROM THE TEXT. I write in FULL SENTENCES. I write in MORE THAN ONE SENTENCE. I GO BACK to the story/article to find information. 


It is better to complete SKIP a question rather than guess.

FALSE. If you skip a question you are guaranteed to get no points for it. If you eliminate answers and use your background knowledge and strategies, you should be able to narrow down answers. That gives you a 1/4 chance of getting it right rather than a 0% chance!