Black History Month Females
Black History Month Males
Modern Day Heroes
Black Music and Culture
Black History Month Misc.

As a 6-year-old, I entered an all Caucasian school.

Who is Ruby Bridges?


This man had a dream that all people will be equal.

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?


A popular black talk show host, known for giving various things away and the first black billionaire in the US.

Who is Oprah Winfrey


The cultural, intellectual, and artistic revolution of the 1920s that celebrated Black culture, music, and arts in Harlem is known as this.

What is the Harlem Renaissance  


Who is known as the "King of Pop"?

Who is Michael Jackson?


This woman refused to give her seat to a white man on a bus.

Who is Rosa Parks?


The first black Supreme Court justice, famously argued in the influential Brown v. Board of Education, which outlawed segregation in schools

Who is Thurgood Marshall?


Advocated for better nutrition and education in schools. Husband of a famous black political figure, and author of Becoming

Who is Michelle Obama?


Known for his electric performances and unique guitar style, this musician’s hit songs include "Purple Haze" and "Hey Joe."

Who is Jimi Hendrix?


This movie sported the catchphrase, "Wakanda Forever!"

What is Black Panther?


This courageous woman helped more than 300 slaves escape to freedom on the Underground Railroad

Who is Harriet Tubman?


known as "the Peanut Man" this prominent agriculturalist created better farming practices for poor farmers and created over 300 different products from peanuts, including oil, peanut butter, and paper products.

Who is George Washington Carver?


Youngest poet to read at the Inauguration for a US President. Speaks against oppression and marginalization

Who is Amanda Gorman?

This actress became the first Black woman to win an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in "Lilies of the Field."

Who is Sidney Poitier?


Who is the first female African American Vice President?

Who is Kamala Harris?


African American Tennis player who has won 23 Grand Slam titles

Who is Serena Williams?


Who is the first President of South Africa to be elected in a fully representative democratic election, as well as the country's first black head of state?

Who is Nelson Mandela?


First born child of Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King. Carried on their legacy through public speaking and various forms of art. She died in 2007

Who is Yolanda King?


This artist’s 1969 album "What’s Going On" is one of the most iconic albums in music history and a major statement on social justice.

Who is Marvin Gaye?

This iconic singer holds the record for most Grammy awards with 32 Grammies. 

Who is Beyonce?


This woman became the first black, female, self-made millionaire in America

who is Madame C.J. Walker


This person was an African American leader in the civil rights movement, Muslim minister, and supporter of Black Nationalism

Who is Malcolm X


Advocates against gang violence, especially in his hometown of Compton. Numerous Grammy winner and known for his advocacy work

Who is Kendrick Lamar?


This genre, combining brass instruments, syncopation, and improvisation, is unique to New Orleans and forms the foundation of jazz music.

What is Dixieland Jazz?


The relocation of more than 6 million African Americans from the South to the North is called ____________.

What is The Great Migration?