How many chapters or surahs does the Quran contain?
How many Prophets are mentioned in the Quran?
Name the five pillars of Islam.
Shahadah, Salah, Sawm, Zakah, Hajj
What was the previous name of the city of Madinah?
Give one Arabic word for the Unity of Allah.
Give the name of the longest surah of the Quran.
Who was the first Prophet?
Adam (as)
What is the Arabic term for the collection of recorded words, actions, and tacit approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
In which year the Islamic calendar began?
622 AD/CE
What are the articles of faith in Islam?
Tawhid, Angels, Books, Prophets/Messengers, Day of Judgement, Qadr
Give the name of the shortest surah of the Quran.
Which Prophet was given the title of Kaleemullah (the one who spoke to Allah SWT)?
Musa (As)
What is the term for the meal for breaking your Fast?
Who was the first Muazzin in Islam?
Bilal (Ra)
What are the three components of Imaan?
To utter Shahadah with tongue, to believe in it by heart, to act upon its rules
In which month was the Quran first revealed to Nabi Muhammad
Who were the first and last of the Prophets?
First: Prophet Adam (AS), Last: Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
What is the name of the voluntary prayer done only during the nights of the month of Ramadan?
What was the name of the camel of Rasulullah (SAW)?
What was the message to which all messengers called the people?
Oneness of Allah (SWT)
What was the first word of the Qur’an that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
Arabic: Iqra
English: Read
How did Allah (SWT) save Prophet Isa (AS)? Was he killed on the cross?
By taking Isa (AS) up into the heavens. He was not killed on the cross.
What is Tayammum?
Alternative to ablution when either water is not available or there is a serious danger to health
Which Khalifah initiated the idea of compiling the Quran into one book?
Umar ibn Khattab (RA)
Q: What will be the first question to be asked on the day of judgment?
About Prayer