When time should you be awake and what time is lights out?
First task of the day is morning checklist at 7:30am and lights out is at 10:30pm.
What food and drinks are allowed outside of eating times?
No food, juice, or coffee is allowed outside of eating times.
You may have water.
Can you open your windows?
No windows must be closed at all times.
TRUE OF FALSE: Art supplies cannot leave the art room.
TRUE. These are for craft groups only and cannot leave the art room. If you brought your own art supplies, you are welcome to utilize them during your free time! :)
TRUE OR FALSE: You are allowed to rearrange your rooms, push beds together, and hang things on the wall
FALSE. Please keep your beds where they are at and hang all items on the bulletin board in your room :)
When are shower bags allowed?
Before Sunrise (8:00a), after chores (8:30p), and leisure time
* Shower bags must be returned to the cart before lights out*
What food and drinks can leave the kitchen?
No food, only water :)
This includes the pavilion, group rooms, and your own rooms
Fill in the blank:
McCambridge is a ________ ________ facility!
McCambridge is a no touch facility. Hair styling, doing someone's nails, doing someone's makeup, and touching children are not permitted.
Who can be in your room?
Only YOU and staff are allowed to be in your own room. No other clients should be in your own space.
What is a group?
A group is a required class that helps educate you on substance use, mental health, and skills. These will take up the majority of your day and are necessary to attend to assist with recovery.
What are the 4 smoke breaks?
When can you have coffee?
Coffee is only allowed during Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. The coffee pot should remain in the snack closet outside of these times.
When is your laundry time and who can do the laundry?
Assigned laundry times are on a sign behind the tech desk.
Only YOU can do your own laundry. Laundry manager is in charge of house laundry, such as scrubs, kitchen rags, and unused linens.
You must have shoes on. You must be fully clothed. Sunglasses are only to be worn outside. Pajamas are only permitted in the room.
What can you put in your cubbie?
Projects, papers, and clean dishes are allowed in your cubby. NO food or drinks, these will be dumped/thrown away.
What times are the 4 Med Pass
Morning: 5:30am-7:30am
Lunch: 12pm-1pm
Dinner: 5pm-6pm
Bedtime: 9pm- 10:30pm
General leftovers from the buffet can be placed in the fridge
Structured Recreation and Leisure Time, what are they and their differences?
Structured Rec: Time where you are encouraged to work on homework, read, and be active. There is no TV or going in your room during this time.
Leisure Time/Break: You are welcome to stay in your room, watch TV, shower, etc. This is your time!
(For both: no eating or craft room)
Where do you place laundry soap once you have used it?
The cup must be handed back to the techs at the small tech desk. Laundry soap may not be kept in the laundry room.
What needs approval from treatment team/what techs cannot help with? (list as many as you can) :)
What are the eating times?
Breakfast (5:30-7:30)
Snack (Between process groups)
Lunch (12:00-1:00p)
Dinner (5:00-6:00p)
Snack (7:00-7:15p)
After Chores (8:30-9:30p)
When do I need to wear gloves?
Gloves are required when opening the fridge, serving yourself food, and using a shared food item.
There are lots of individuals in a shared space and this ensures we are doing our best to not transfer anything to anyone.
How long are phone calls and who can you call?
Phone calls are 20-minute time slots. Calling late does not extend your time slot. Calls that are not family/friends may need prior approval.
Moms get 5 minutes per child that is 18 and younger. These calls should be made after 5pm outside of group time.
Who can you go to if you are having trouble? (4 types of people)
Techs, Treatment Team, Baylee (Tech Supervisor), and Lindsay (Program Director).
Please ask for help if you are struggling! We cannot help or meet your needs if we are not aware :)
When can you be in your rooms?
You can be in your rooms from 8:45p-8:00a as well as designated leisure/break times