Replacement behaviors
Proactive strategies
Reactive Strategies
Coping skills

What replacement behavior should McCartney use when engaging in health and hygiene deficits?

Negotiation skills. McCartney can negotiate his schedule to determine when he will complete tasks within an appropriate boundary of time. 


what helps to lessen McCartney's anxiety?

Telling him of any schedule changes or prepare him for anything out of the "norm" that is coming up. 


How long should McCartney be calm before engaging him back in the activity he was trying to escape?

5 min.


what are some relaxation techniques you can use when you take a break in order to help calm down?

listen to music, play a video game, watch funny videos, lay in your bedroom, play with the dogs


Give three good tips for dealing with ADHD

1. accept diagnosis

2. use pill containers

3. get enough sleep

4. practice self care

5. cut clutter

6. keep a planner

7. make a master list of ideas/thoughts

8. set alarms

9. keep a clock in the shower

10. seek support

11. just say no

12. control your impulses


What skill should be used when McCartney feels stressed or overwhelmed and he is trying to escape a task?

He should request to take a break so he can use a relaxation skills to calm down


Why should family members encourage McCartney to eat at the dining room table?

To encourage social interaction with family members and increase communication. 


What should staff/caregivers do if McCartney hasn't completed a task/chore he needs to complete?

Prompt negotiation skills to schedule a time he will complete it within appropriate boundaries.


Name two different TYPES of coping skills

Self soothing

emotional awareness



opposite action

crisis plan


What are some signs of anxiety?

  • Feeling nervous, restless or tense.
  • Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom.
  • Having an increased heart rate.
  • Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
  • Sweating.
  • Trembling.
  • Feeling weak or tired.
  • Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry.

How long can you take a break to calm down and "regroup" before continuing the task or situation you were in?

10 minutes but up to 20 minutes if needed.


McCartney tends to get nervous in what kinds of settings?

Large crowds or people he doesn't know well


If McCartney is making rude comments to others, raising his voice in a frustrated manner, and/or rolling his eyes and “shutting down” by refusing to talk with others or ignoring others entirely what is the first thing he should be prompted to do?

Take a 10 min break to calm down


What are some examples of POOR coping skills?

yelling or screaming

negative self talk

avoiding family members

shutting down

blaming others

avoiding friends

becoming violent

spreading rumors

pretending like you don't care


What should you do if you feel anxious?

Try using some of your coping skills you have developed


What people fit into the orange "circle"

Doctors, police, familiar faces from the community, EMT's, Firemen, etc. 


True or False: McCartney loves going out into the community?

False. IF given the chance he will stay home any time he can. He likes to isolate and play on the computer. 


What should others do if McCartney is verbally aggressive in any way once they have suggested he take a break to calm down?

Engage in planned ignoring: ignore all verbal interactions, no eye contact, etc. until he talks appropriately.

What Are Coping Skills?

Coping skills are the mental, emotional, and behavioral tools that allow us to maintain focus and perspective when dealing with difficulties – and the strong feelings those difficulties create.


What are symptoms of ADHD?

  • Short attention span, especially for non-preferred tasks.
  • Hyperactivity, which may be physical, verbal, and/or emotional.
  • Impulsivity, which may manifest as recklessness.
  • Fidgeting or restlessness.
  • Disorganization and difficulty prioritizing tasks.
  • Poor time management and time blindness.

what people in your life fit into the blue "circle"

Mom, Dad, Jessica, Grandparents


What are two activities that McCartney doesn't mind doing outside?

Taking the dogs for a walk; going to a park; playing Pokemon Go; going to Mega Play


Define the circles program by color/level of touch:

Blue: family members

Green: close friends/friends of the family

Yellow: staff/acquaintances

Orange: community members-doctors, police, familiar people in the community. 

Red: strangers


What do you feel is the best way to help you calm down and remain calm

Any answer McCartney gives.


True or False: ADHD can be cured?

False. There's no known cure for ADHD, but several options can help you manage the symptoms. Treatments range from behavioral intervention to prescription medication. In many cases, medication alone is an effective treatment for ADHD