Drawing Conclusions
Making Inferences

What is an observation?

the act of noticing something or an inference from something seen or experienced

When Maddie returned home from the doctor's office, her brothers were surprised to see what was on her arm. They knew she had fallen off her bike but didn't think she had hurt her arm that bad. What do you think Maddie had on her arm? A. a tattoo B. a cast C. a nasty cut D. a bracelet
What is a cast
Drew and Luke sat down under a shady tree. Their shirts were drenched with sweat. They began fanning themselves with their hands. They wished that they had cold water to drink. You can infer that Drew and Luke were ______________. A. having fun in the sun B. hot C. tired
What is hot
Justin's family laid the blanket down for their picnic in the park. Dad was bringing the cooler over to the blanket and Mom was unpacking the picnic basket. Suddenly dark clouds filled the sky. What would be the best prediction of what happened next? A. It started to rain. B. They couldn't see anything. C. Their picnic blanket blew away.
It started to rain

Katie studies for 1 hour every day for 9 days before the test. Joe studies for 10 minutes every day for 9 days before the test. Katie scored a 92%, and Joe scored a 79%. What inference can you make about how Katie did better than Joe on the test?

Katie studied longer than Joe did and got a better grade.


Joe did not study as much as Katie, and got a lower score.


What is an inference?

an idea or conclusion that's drawn from evidence and reasoning

Preston sat with his hands over his eyes. This usually causes him to have terrible nightmares. He was too frightened to watch the television. What do you think Preston is watching? A. a cartoon B. a Mississippi State football game C. a scary movie D. a spelling bee
What is a scary movie
Mark is a very quiet boy. He never says a word. He uses his hands to communicate. We need an interpreter in order to communicate with him. You can infer that Mark is __________________. A. blind B. shy C. deaf
What is deaf
Devin's tooth had been loose for two weeks now. He tried everything, but his tooth just wouldn't fall out. At lunch, Devin bit into an apple. Suddenly, Devin felt something strange. What would be the best prediction of what happened next? A. He asked for another apple. B. He noticed his tooth had fallen out. C. He hid under the table.
What is his tooth had fallen out

Steve wanted to buy his 3 dogs dog food. He purchased the same brand of dog food in chicken, beef, and vegetable flavors, and fed them 2 times a day for 3 weeks. Steve observed which dog food was eaten the most and saw that the beef was empty in the bowl every day, the chicken had a couple pieces left and the vegetable food was full. What can you infer about the dog food Steve should buy?

Steve should buy the beef flavored dog food because his dogs ate all the food every time. 


Steve should not buy the vegetable flavored food because his dogs did not eat it.

What is empirical evidence?

It is made up of observations and measurements.

Cash wanted to write his report about sea lions. He quietly went to the animal section and found just what he needed. He got out his card and got in line. Where is Cash? A. at the museum B. at the post office C. at home D. at the library
What is the library
Jenny slammed the door. She threw down her book bag and stormed into the living room. She sat down on the chair and folded her arms. You can infer that Jenny is __________________.
What is angry/mad
Tracy was playing in her first piano recital ever. She walked onto the stage when her name was called. She went to sit down at the piano but did not notice the piano bench was missing. What would be the best prediction of what happened next?
Tracy fell because there was no bench

Carol wants to buy her bird a new swing. She purchased a red, blue, and yellow swing. She observed which swing her bird used the most. After 5 days Carol observed her bird did not use the blue swing but would swing back and forth on the red and yellow one. What can you infer about the swing her bird likes?

Carol's bird likes the red and yellow swings.


Carol's bird did not like the blue swing.


What do you use to create observations?

Sight, hear, touch, smell, and taste.

Trinity loved camping. Her dad had built a fire and now they were roasting Trinity's favorite snack. She loved watching the white treat puff up when it got hot. What is Trinity roasting?
What are marshmallows
Wiley had them all lined up on his bedroom shelf. Each one was given to him for different reasons: for winning, for being a good sport, for participating in the activity. He loved how each one reminded him of a special event. You can infer that Wiley had _______________ on his shelf.
What are trophies
Will knew he should not be eating in the living room. He held his soda and his bag of chips in his hands as he watched TV. He went to take a drink of his soda but the can slipped from his hands. What would be the best prediction of what happens next?
Will's soda spills onto the couch

Which is an example of empirical evidence?

A. measuring the growth of a plant

B. Wearing a blue shirt for work

C. Riding the bus to school

A. Measuring the growth of a plant.

You can observe it and measure it's growth

Why is it important to repeat trials 3-5 times?

To check and see if you get the same answer.

Libby's stomach felt queasy, her hair was a mess, and her head was spinning from going through all those twists and turns. She was terrified of heights. She wondered now why she let her brother talk her into going on that crazy contraption. Where are Libby and her brother?
What is an amusement park or rollercoaster
Kasey runs to the mailbox everyday hoping to get a letter from her best friend who moved away last year. When she got home from school today, she opened her mailbox but was sad after looking through all the letters. You can infer that ________________.
Laura did not get a letter from her best friend
Minta was hungry. She hadn't eaten anything all day. As soon as Minta got home ____________________. What do you predict happened next?
Minta raided the refrigerator or Minta ate a big snack

Which is an example of empirical evidence?

A. Counting the stars at night

B. Baseball distance

C. Running a mile after school

B. Baseball distance

You can measure baseball distance and make observations about the bat used to hit the baseballs.