These people are mean to someone repeatedly, intentionally, and has some kind of power over the other.
If someone gives you a dirty look, is that bullying behavior?
No. Giving someone a dirty look is MEAN but it is not bullying. It still should not be tolerated and you should ask the person to stop.
Name 4 people you can talk to / report to if you are being bullied.
Teachers, counselor, SRO, principal, assistant principal, any trust/safe adult
It is tattling when you tell on a bully. True or False.
FALSE - bullying is not okay or tolerated and must be REPORTED so that it can stop
ALL states have laws regarding cyber bullying, it is illegal in every state and you could face legal consequences
If someone teases you, you should just ignore it. True or False.
False. Sometimes ignoring it can lead to it happening more and turn into bullying. Even if it's a friend teasing, it can go too far and cause a peer conflict.
FALSE - Fighting someone will also get YOU in trouble. Tell a trusted adult.
Why is it important to be an upstander?
It can help prevent and stop harmful behavior, and support people who are being targeted.
There is power in numbers - the more who become an upstander, the less bullying can occur. More than HALF of bullying incidents stop when an upstander stands up for the target.
Treat others with respect- use kind words.
Think before you speak, type or text.
If you are feeling angry and want to be mean, think about something else, talk to a friend or adult, write down how you feel. You are the only one in control of your reactions and behaviors.
If you have hurt someone else, be responsible and apologize, try to make up for it.
In a bullying situation, these people are openly supporting and encouraging the bullying by laughing.
Supporter / Passive bullies
A friend cannot bully you. True or false.
Your best friend has recently started to pick on another student in the class. At first, you thought it was funny, but lately, the teasing has gotten meaner and meaner. You can tell that the student is becoming more and more upset, but the other kids in the class think it is funny.
Tell a teacher Talk to your best friend about his/her behavior Support the target
What are ways to protect yourself from cyber bullying?
Don't share your password, choose your password carefully, don't respond to the bully, save all the evidence and tell a trusted adult, stay off sites that do not provide positive contacts. Do not say hurtful things on line asking for negative comments to come back. And do NOT add people you do not know!
Your best friend has recently started to pick on another student in the class. At first, you thought it was funny, but lately, the teasing has gotten meaner and meaner. You can tell that the student is becoming more and more upset, but the other kids in the class think it is funny. What should you do?
Tell a teacher, talk to your best friend about his/her behavior, support the target
STOP letting your "friend" get away with treating other people badly.
These people dislike the bully and try to help the target of the bullying.
What is the difference between teasing and bullying?
Teasing is when both people are joking and neither gets their feelings hurt; bullying is when it goes on more than once, it impacts and hurts someone, there’s a power imbalance, and it’s intentional (on purpose)
If you are a bystander watching the bullying, what can you do to shift from a bystander to an upstander?
What are some of the best ways to prevent bullying on a peer level?
You do not have to be friends with someone or even like them to be nice and respectful. Nobody deserves to be bullied.
What are some of the effects of being bullied?
Lowers self esteem and self confidence, relationships with their friends and family, academic performance, and physical health
Increased risk for depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, and behavior problems
**Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for people ages 10-34.
What are the 4 types of bullying AND what are examples of each type?
Physical - hitting, kicking, pinching, tripping, pushing, stealing or destroying someones property
Verbal - Name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, inappropriate comments, taunting, threatening harm
Social - Lying, spreading rumors, leaving someone out on purpose, telling others not to be friends with someone, embarrassing someone in public, damaging other's reputation or relationships
Cyber - Posting/sending hurtful texts, posts, images, video, making online threats, imitating others online or using their log-in, deliberately excluding others online
What are the 3 necessary components that push rude behavior into bullying behavior?
Repetition, one sided or someone having some sort of power over the other, and the behavior being intentional (non-accidental).
Tell a staff member (teacher, counselor, SRO, principal, etc)
Bully Box
Request form to Mrs. Roach
**All cases are investigated and there will be consequences if it is considered bullying.
Define empathy and how it can be important when discussing bullying.
The ability to understand how another person feels and why the person feels that way.
Put yourself in the target's shoes, choose to be an upstander.
What is the difference between having a conflict, being mean, and bullying?
Conflict - This is when you are fighting with a peer or friend. Happens occasionally, is hurtful to both sides, and it’s on purpose
Mean - Doing or saying something, could be on purpose or an accident, that hurts someone else. This is a one time thing.
Bullying - Doing or saying something on purpose that hurts someone else, over & over. The balance of power is unequal.