What does Calculator Inactive mean on the test?
You can't use a calculator on this part.
What should you do before you read the passage?
Read the questions so you know what to look for.
What test will you take first?
ELA or Reading
What does calculator active mean?
You can use a calculator on this part.
The night before the test, you should go to bed...
What is the second test you take?
When is EOG testing for 7th grade?
May 20 and 21 for 7th grade
Read aloud AND/OR translation dictionary.
The morning before the test, what two things NEED to be in your backpack...
How much time do you get for each EOG test?
If you don't know the answer on the math part, you should -
Skip and come back, guess and check the answer.
If you don't know an answer to a question, what should you do?
Skip it and come back to it later, then guess if you can't figure it out.
What accommodation can you get for the reading test?
How many goals did Mr. McElroy score in soccer this week?
What are the two types of answers you will see in the math section?
Multiple choice AND fill in the blank.
What is a "paragraph" called in a poem?
What accommodations will some of you get for the math EOG?
Some of you will get a translation dictionary and computer read aloud.