If you are struggling to understand something you should...
Ask the teacher for help
In elementary school you stored your belongings in your desk or cubby. In middle school you store your belongings in...
Your locker or backpack
The extra classes that you get to choose in middle school are called what?
The grade that you are allowed to join school sports teams.
What is 7th grade
In elementary school you have one or two classes, whereas in middle school you...
move to several different classes in different rooms throughout the day
Could your assigned school change between now and May?
Yes. We are still in the registration season. Your parents can apply for you to go to a different school that what we have listed now. They will HAVE TO APPLY on CMS' website in order for your school to change.
The best place to find accurate information about your school
The school website. You can visit and click on "Schools" at the top, then find your middle school. You may also visit the school in person and speak with staff members there.
This activity does not exist in Middle School as it did in Elementary.
What is Recess
Your teachers will give you more...
homework, projects, tests, and responsibility
What time does YOUR middle school end?
4:15pm: JMA, Piedmont Gov's Village, North Academy of World Lang, Northridge, Randolph, Whitewater, James Martin
Cochrane: 2:15pm
Albemarle Rd. 3:30pm
If you are being harassed or bullied in middle school, who could you go to in the building?
Assistant principal, school counselor, dean
What was the locker combination you were asked to remember?
Emotions 5th graders may feel about going to middle school
Excited, afraid, nervous, sad, optimistic, at ease, despair, proud, disappointed, grateful, etc.
Start time for YOUR Middle School
9:15: JMA, Piedmont Gov's Village, North Academy of World Lang, Northridge, Randolph, Whitewater, James Martin
Cochrane: 7:15am
Albemarle Rd: 8:30am
Keys to success in Middle School
Get organized, get active, get help, visit the school before you go
The calculated number for all of your report card grades combined. It measures your academic performance level.
What is a Grade Point Average (GPA)?
The 5 required courses for all 6th graders in North Carolina
Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, Health/PE
The Mascot of YOUR school
1. Albemarle Rd: Patriots 6. Piedmont: Pirates
2. Cochrane: Colts 7. JMA: Blue Devils
3. James Martin: Cougars 8. Randolph: Raiders
4. NAWL: Narwhals 9. Whitewater: Gators
5. Northridge: Hawks 10. Gov's Village: ?