This individual is responsible for completing secondary triage.
Who is the "Treatment Officer".
In a mass casualty incident, if a patient is breathing but cannot follow commands, what might their triage color be?
What is "Red/Immediate"
The individual responsible for all aspects of an emergency response
What is the Incident "Commander"
The "R" in the START Triage System stands for:
What is "Rapid"
The first thing you should do when arriving on scene
What is "ensure the scene is safe"
During an MCI, what does "triage" mean?
What is "the process of sorting patients based on the severity of their injuries"
A patient with a fractured arm, a respiratory rate of 14, and stable vital signs but with difficulty walking is found at the scene of an MCI. What is their triage color?
What is "Green/ Walking wounded"
A model tool for the command, control, and coordination of resources at the scene of a large- scale emergency involving multiple agencies.
What is the "Incident Command System (ICS)"
This term refers to the act of moving patients quickly to a safe location or treatment area in an MCI.
What is "Extrication"
A patient is found conscious/ alert, breathing at 25 breaths per minute, has a small fracture of the lower leg and is in pain. What triage category do they belong in?
What is "Yellow/ Delayed"
In a mass casualty incident, you find a patient softly crying in pain with an obvious deformities to both lower legs. What might their triage color be?
What is "Yellow/ Delayed"
This is the first thing you should assess in a patient when performing a S.T.A.R.T. triage
What is "Respirations"
The individual responsible for contacting hospitals in the surrounding areas.
Who is the "Transport Officer"
Describe the term "Freelancing" as it relates to mass casualty incidents.
What is "rescuers operating outside the chain of command, possibly causing duplication of efforts"
In a mass casualty incident, a patient is found to be running throughout the scene, screaming and interfering with rescue operations. What is their triage color?
What is "Red/ Immediate"
In a mass casualty incident, a patient walks up to you saying they cannot breathe. What might their triage color be?
What is "Green/ Walking wounded"
This abnormal respiratory pattern causes the respiratory rate and tidal volume to gradually increase and gradually decrease followed by a period of apnea, then repeats.
What is "Cheyne Stokes"
This individual has the authority to stop an emergency situation.
Who is the "Safety Officer"
An ongoing situation that is likely to produce more patients.
What is an "Open Incident"
What additional considerations must be made with the involvement of hazardous materials?
What is "Contamination/ Decontamination"
While triaging in a mass casualty incident, you find an unresponsive 5 year old patient, who is not breathing. Your next action is to:
What is "Give 5 rescue breaths"
In a mass casualty incident, treatment of patients does not begin until ___________
What is "All patients have been triaged"
This action needs to be done over the radio so all involved parties are aware of the change.
What is "Transfer of Command"
This is often a key problem in many MCI's.
What is "Communication".
In a mass casualty incident, an on-scene physician can provide:
What is "On-scene medical direction"