Northeasetern University에 마스코트는?
Husky (or Paws)
Boston NBA 농구팀은?
What does the abbreviation "ROI" stand for in finance?
Return on Investment
What does "B2C" stand for in marketing?
How many co-op cycles are there typically in an academic year?
two: Spring and Fall
What historic event is commemorated by the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum?
Boston Tea Party
What is the term for a debt investment where an investor lends money to a borrower for a fixed interest rate?
What is the term for the process of promoting and selling a product through influencers or social media personalities?
influencer marketing
What is the name of the famous market near Faneuil Hall that attracts millions of visitors each year?
Quincy Market
What is diversification?
strategy of reducing risk by investing in a variety of assets
What is the term for the process of identifying distinct groups of consumers based on their needs and behaviors
market segmentation
What are the names of two large open spaces on campus often referred to as the "Quad"?
Krentzman Quad & Centennial Common
What major Boston event happens every April on Patriots' Day?
Boston Marathon
What is the name of the stock index that tracks 30 large publicly traded companies in the U.S.?
Dow Jones Industrial Average
What is the name of the oldest university in Boston, founded in 1636?
Harvard University
What does "NASDAQ" stand for?
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
What does "SEO" stand for in digital marketing?
Search Engine Optimization