what does MCL stand for?
Medical Collateral Ligament
what do you use to help you walk when you tear your MCL?
Churches, knee brace
what does prevention mean?
what is trying to stop something
While non-surgical treatment is very effective in treating MCL tears, athletes have surgery to fix their tear due to the amount of stress and pressure they’ll have on their knee when they return to their sport. (true or false?)
can an athlete still play with a torn MCL? why?
no, they should take time to recover
if you hurt your knee when should you go to the doctor?
as soon as possible/ right away
who should you talk to if you feel pain on the inside of your knee?
what is- doctor/coach
Most MCL tears heal well without surgery. true or false?
what test will be done to diagnose a MCL tear? (more than one answer)
MRI, X-ray, ultrasound
How long does it take to fully recover from an MCL tear?
what is- 1 to 6 months
what can you wear to prevent MCL tears?
what is -wear knee braces
(MCL) is one of four ligaments that keep the knee joint stable. true or false?
where is the MCL located on the body?
located on the inside of your knees
if you have a grade 1 (mild) MCL tear, how long does it take to recover?
within 4-12 weeks
how do you prevent tearing your MCL?
balance exercises
when you tear your MCL there is no (pop) sound of feeling just a sharp pain. true or false?
false. ex- you may experience: A pop on the inside of the leg. Tenderness or pain that ranges from mild to severe.
how does a Medial Collateral Ligament Tear?
Sudden and forceful turning, twisting can cause MCL tears.
what kind of over the counter medicine do doctors give you when you are recovering from an MCL tear?
what is- Tylenol) (ibuprofen) (Advil) (Motrin)
which is more effective? Strength and power exercises that focus on your thigh and hip muscles help prevent MCL tears. or -Doing stretches focusing on your knee and leg area.
Strength and power exercises that focus on your thigh and hip muscles help prevent MCL tears.
it takes 3-4 weeks for a grade 3 (severe) tear to heal. true or false?
false- 8-12 weeks