How to Handle?
More Policies

How do you calculate Supplementation?

By establishing the amount of the meal in percentage not completed. Then taking the caloric amount and divinding it by the calories per ounce in the supplement


What does couch rest mean?

The client may only get up to use the bathroom or go to the table. Nothing additional


Where are the Policies and Procedures stored?



How far in advance do you need to request off for a vacation?

This should be submitted with 14-30 days in advance if possible. Even if approved you will still need to find coverage


What is the process in which staff provides feedback in the moment to disrupt a current behavior, thought, or feeling?



While sitting for meals, staff are expected to do which of the following

Eat with the patients and model appropriate table behavior (including finishing)


Which movement level allows for patients to have three days of mindful movement for 45 minutes?

Level 4


You should always chase after patients if they AWOL? 




What is the dress code?

Closed toed shoes, nothing to short revealing or tight, No sweatpants or leggings. Wear employee badge at ALL times


What does it mean when a patient is placed on 1:1?

Staff must be within arm distance at ALL times, you would also do a 1:1 shift note. 


What is our Dietary philosophy at CFD?

An All Foods Fit nutrition philosophy means all foods--in moderation & balance and with variety, have a place in a meal plan.

All foods fit approach, with intuitive eating, and HAES principles


How often are patients ages 21 or older able to have smoke breaks?

10-minute smoke breaks, 6 times throughout the day


What is the purge protocol?

Place patient on Mindful Movement Level 1 for 24 hours following purging 

a. This means the patient cannot prep meals& snacks, and they cannot leave the facility without medical clearance from the Physician.

b. There are no negotiations with movement level, all patients who purge must be placed on Movement Level 1 for 24 hours for medical safety. 

 2.Patientis also to be placed on 24-hour observations.

 a. If the purging behavior was self-reported do not automatically place on 24-hour observations, ask patient if they feel they need increased observations. This allows patient to continue to hold self accountable

3.Have patient do a Behavior Chain Analysis to be brought into their next session with Therapist or Dietitian. 

 4.The on-call staff is to be notified if the patient purges 3 or more times to assess the following:  

a. If a decrease in phase is appropriate

b. If the Physician should be notified

c. On-call Administrator is only to be notified is the patient needs to be transferred to a higher level of care as a result of purging behavior.

 5.Patients are not to be supplemented if purging occurs following a meal or snacks, however, they are to be offered 4-8 ounces of Gatorade/Electrolyte Beverage(pending purge volume) to support medical stability.  

a. If small amount of purge-4 ounces

b. If moderate amount-6 ounces 

c. If large amount-8 ounces

d. If it was not seen-4 ounces

***If a patientreports having purged more than 24 hours ago this protocol is not to be implemented


Which certifications are mandatory for every employee?

First Aid, AED, CPI, Servsafe, and CPR


What is considered Contraband?

•Alcohol-based substances

•All street drugs

•Over the counter medications

•Prescription medication samples

•Expired medication

•Drug-related substances

•Food or drinks

•Glass containers or objects

•Gum / Candy

Breakable plastics





•Fashion, beauty, or fitness magazines

•Diet pills


•Space heaters

•Any other items that staff identifies as potentially dangerous


•Mouthwash or other hygiene products with alcohol content 

•Cell phones

•Laptops, tablets, and electronic readers

•Personal music device

•Glue / glue products

•Scarves and belts

•Any recording devices



•Safety pins/sewing needles


What are the different levels in reference to dietary?

Menus-planned during menu planning

Diaries- are allowed to choose in the moment

Mindful Eating- Eating until they are full


What level may you start to do Just dance? and how long may you participate?

Level 2-10 minutes (no standing)

Level 3- 2 days of Mindful Movementfor 30 minutes per day 

Level 4- 2 days of Mindful Movementfor 45 minutes per day 

Level 5- 2 days of Mindful Movementfor 55 minutes per day 


How do you clean up a bodily fluid spill?

 first use absorbent material to soak up and contain spill with absorbent material/ paper towels. Pour disinfectant directly onto material to disinfect. A broad spectrum disinfectant such as a 10% bleach solution poured on and left on the material 10-30 minutes before cleanup is sufficient in most instances to disinfect. After the body fluid material is collected and placed into appropriate trash bag, pour disinfectant on the area of spill to complete disinfection and wipe up with paper towels.If spill occurs on carpet or upholstery, first use absorbent material/paper towel to soak up any pooled fluid. Steam clean upholstery/carpet with an industrial carpet cleaner immediately if possible. If one is not available, arrange for the upholstery/carpet to be cleaned as soon as possible. If upholstery cannot be cleaned, or is super saturated with blood and body fluids, it must be reported to the Director or facility manager. The Director or facility manager will determine if upholstery should be disposed of or replaced.


Floor staff is  required to take what each time they leave the facility with the patients. (even fire drills)

Quick Reference Binder


What are the table rules?

•If you are wearing long sleeves, please push them up

 •Please refrain from wearing jackets, hoodies or blankets at the table

•When you are finished, please do not stack your dishes 

•Please keep hands and napkins visible to staff while eating 

•Food may only be reheated one time, and within the first 5 minutes of the meal/snack period and it is to be reheated by a staff member.  

•All beverages are to be consumed during the meal or snack, with water being the only exception

•No condiments are permitted on the table (with the exception of during dinner)

•Once the meal or snack is over, patients are to clear their own dishes 

In order to clear your dishes, you must be off of your 72-hour observation period and a mindful movement level 2 or higher.  

If you require supplementation, we ask you to remain at the table and you may not clear your dishes.  

•There are specific sanitation guidelines for food preparation to be followed once you begin to prepare your own food but these will be explained in further detail later.


The Acronym “ERP” stands for which of the following CBT interventions?

Exposure Response Prevention


At what phase are clients encouraged to lead groups?

Discovery and Journey


If a patient has a concern about another peer, which group would be appropriate for them to discuss it? and how to handle if brought up at wrong time?

Process. Refer them to this group, carefrontation model, therapist, dearman letter


Therapeutic boundaries can be defined as:

The edge of an appropriate balance between a professional and their patients


What needs to be filled out each time by visitors?

Confidentiality form, Covid sheet, visitor sign in