What is 1 more than 10?
Who is your music teacher?
Mrs. Craig
Where did Ms. Edwards ask you to go to calm down?
The Cozy Corner
Name the three materials the 3 Little Pigs used to build their houses.
Straw, sticks and bricks
What colour is Big Bird from Sesame Street?
10 - 4 =_____
Who is your gym teacher?
Mr. Peretta
What is our room number?
Room 202
Name the four seasons.
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Plants need air, soil, sun...and what else?
Name the 3-D solid that has these attributes:
- it has a round face
- it has one point/vertex
- it looks like a party hat
A cone!
Who is your drama teacher?
Ms. Lee
Name the pink character that we had in our cozy corner.
Mr. Squiggles
What does opaque mean?
You cannot see through.
How do you say hello in French?
Count backwards from 20.
20 , 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
What is your principal's name?
Mr. Peretta.
What is the first thing we did when we came to the classroom and sat on the carpet each day?
Name the planet's main source of heat and energy.
The sun.
What do we call a frog baby?
A tadpole
What is the core of this pattern:
Who is your vice principal?
Ms. Issenberg
What was our listening song to help us get ready for lessons (hint: there were pictures of each on the wall)?
Eyes are watching, ears are listening, legs are crossed, hands are still, mouths are very quiet, you should really try it, listening well, listening.
What do living things need to survive?
- food
- water
- oxygen
There are 6 candies and 3 kids. How many candies should each kid get so that everyone gets the same number of candies?
2 candies for each kid