Row A
Row B
Row C

The writer wants the first sentence of the passage (reproduced below) to catch the reader's interest and provide a succinct introduction to its topic.

When you consider the whole historical evolution of science, it might be divided three ways: antiquity; classical science, starting with the Renaissance; and modern science, which started at the turn of the twentieth century. In the West, for example

Which version of the underlined section of the passage best achieves this goal?

  1. (As it is now)
  2. Today's scientists argue that their discipline has had three important periods in history:
  3. The history of science is composed of three periods:
  4. The history of science may well be summarized by dividing it into three periods-
  5. Science has a history comprising three distinctive periods, namely:

3. The history of science is composed of three periods:


After reading the draft of the passage, the writer singled out an excerpt (reproduced below) to be revised without altering its essential meaning.

(12) Around two millennia later the Renaissance arrived. (13) It was a great awakening, 14) The Western mis man, lived in Italy. (16) One day he climbed a leaning awakening. (14) The Western mind experienced something new. (15) It was the time tower while carrying a big stone as well as a smaller one. (17) He dropped both of them off the top, but first he had asked friends to stand at the bottom and observe which stone landed first.

Which version of sentences 12-17 best achieves those objectives?

  1. After about two-thousand years, the arrival of the Renaissance seemed to awaken the Western mind. Take as an example a boisterous young man in Italy.
    Galileo by name, one day he decided to carry two stones - one was big and one was small-up to the very top of a leaning tower. After previously having asked friends to observe which stone landed on the pavement first, he dropped them simultaneously.
  2. Two thousand years later, during that great awakening of the Western mind now called the Renaissance, Galileo, a boisterous young Italian, climbed a leaning tower carrying two stones, one big and one small. Having asked companions to observe which stone landed first, he dropped them simultaneously.
  3. Approximately two thousand years afterward, upon the arrival of the Renaissance, a great awakening took place in Western minds. Take, for example, the case of a young boisterous Italian named Galileo. To illustrate that the Western mind had experienced a new transformation, one day Galileo climbed up a leaning tower while carrying both a big stone and a smaller stone. From the top of the tower, he dropped both of them, but first he had asked friends to stand at the bottom and report to him which stone hit the ground first.
  4. Approximately two thousand years afterward, upon the arrival of the Renaissance, a great awakening took place in Western minds. Take, for example, the case of a young, boisterous Italian named Galileo. As an example that the Western mind had experienced something new, one day he tried an experiment and climbed a leaning tower carrying a big stone and a smaller one. He dropped both of them off the top, but first he had asked friends to stand at the bottom and watch for which one landed first.
  5. Around two millennia later the Renaissance came into history. It was a great awakening. The Western mind experienced something new. It was the time when Galileo, a boisterous Young man, lived in Italy. One day he climbed to the top of a leaning tower. He carried both a big stone and a smaller one. From the top he dropped both of them at the same moment. Beforehand, however, he had asked a couple of friends to stand at the bottom and to observe which stone landed first.

2. Two thousand years later, during that great awakening of the Western mind now called the Renaissance, Galileo, a boisterous young Italian, climbed a leaning tower carrying two stones, one big and one small. Having asked companions to observe which stone landed first, he dropped them simultaneously.


After reading the draft of the passage, the writer singled out an excerpt (reproduced below) to be revised without altering its essential meaning.

(12) Around two millennia later the Renaissance arrived. (13) It was a great awakening. (14) The Western mind experienced something new. (15) It was the time when Galileo, a boisterous young man, lived in Italy. (16) One day he climbed a leaning tower while carrying a big stone as well as a smaller one. (17) He dropped both of them Off the top, but first he had asked friends to stand at the bottom and observe which stone landed first.

Which version of sentences 12-17 best achieves those objectives?

  1. After about two-thousand years, the arrival of the Renaissance seemed to awaken the Western mind. Take as an example a boisterous young man in Italy.
    Galileo by name, one day he decided to carry two stones one was big and one was small up to the very top of a leaning tower. After previously having asked friends to observe which stone landed on the pavement first, he dropped them simultaneously.
  2. Two thousand years later, during that great awakening of the Western mind now called the Renaissance, Galileo, a boisterous young Italian, climbed a leaning tower carrying two stones, one big and one small. Having asked companions to observe which stone landed first, he dropped them simultaneously.
  3. Approximately two thousand years afterward, upon the arrival of the Renaissance, a great awakening took place in Western minds. Take, for example, the case of a young boisterous Italian named Galileo. To illustrate that the Western mind had experienced a new transformation, one day Galileo climbed up a leaning tower while carrying both a big stone and a smaller stone. From the top of the tower, he dropped both of them, but first he had asked friends to stand at the bottom and report to him which stone hit the ground first.
  4. Approximately two thousand years afterward, upon the arrival of the Renaissance, a great awakening took place in Western minds. Take, for example, the case of a young, boisterous Italian named Galileo. As an example that the Western mind had experienced something new, one day he tried an experiment and climbed a leaning tower carrying a big stone and a smaller one. He dropped both of them off the top, but first he had asked friends to stand at the bottom and watch for which one landed first.
  5. Around two millennia later the Renaissance came into history. It was a great awakening. The Western mind experienced something new. It was the time when Galileo, a boisterous Young man, lived in Italy. One day he climbed to the top of a leaning tower. He carried both a big stone and a smaller one. From the top he dropped both of them at the same moment. Beforehand, however, he had asked a couple of friends to stand at the bottom and to observe which stone landed first.

2. Two thousand years later, during that great awakening of the Western mind now called the Renaissance, Galileo, a boisterous young Italian, climbed a leaning tower carrying two stones, one big and one small. Having asked companions to observe which stone landed first, he dropped them simultaneously.


In order to provide a more effective transition between sentences (1) and (2), the writer wants to replace part or all of the underlined section of sentence 2 (reproduced below).

In the West, for example, for more than two-thousand years, scientists subscribed to a classification system devised by the Greek physician, Hippocrates.

In the context, which would be the best choice?

  1. At first,
  2. For above two-thousand years in the West,
  3. During more than two-thousand years, in antiquity
  4. For example, during antiquity, which lasted more than two-thousand years,
  5. In antiquity, a period longer than two-thousand years,

5. In antiquity, a period longer than two-thousand years,


In sentence 21 the writer claims that the sighting of the planets features was "dramatic." But left unsaid is what made it so? Which of the following sentences provides the best explanation?

  1. This was a dramatic discovery as a result of no one knew that the rings and moons existed before.
  2. This was a dramatic discovery because no one had seen the features and moons earlier.
  3. This was a dramatic discovery because nobody knew they had been there before.
  4. This was a dramatic discovery since the true facts about the rings and moons were not known before.
  5. This was a dramatic discovery; the rings and moons surprised everybody.

5. This was a dramatic discovery; the rings and moons surprised everybody.


To provide additional information, the writer may want to add the following sentence to the discussion in either the fifth or the sixth paragraphs (lines 27-37).

At the same time, it was widely reported that Scott Joplin was producing ragtime on his piano at the Maple Leaf Club in Sedalia, Missouri; and in Memphis, W.C. Handy was evolving his own spectacular conception of the blues.

Where would the sentence best be placed?

  1. Before sentence 32
  2. After sentence 32, but not in the next paragraph
  3. In the new paragraph after sentence 32
  4. After sentence 33
  5. After sentence 34

3. In the new paragraph after sentence 32


The writer wants to add a phrase at the start of sentence 37 (reproduced below), adjusting the capitalization as needed, to set up a comparison with the idea expressed
in sentence 36.

The mystery had been heightened because it was discovered that the supposedly simple amoeba was already a complex, self-operating chemical factory.

Which of the following achieves this purpose?

(A) As it happened,

(B) Furthermore,

(C) What is more,

(D) Fortuitously,

(E) By contrast,

(A) As it happened,


The writer wants to add information to support the main purpose of the passage. All of the following sentences would help achieve that goal EXCEPT which one?

  1. Recordings made by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band strongly influenced the spread of jazz throughout the South and beyond.
  2. Despite the impact of racial segregation at the time, many jazz groups consisted only of black musicians.
  3. While sheet music continued to be an important medium for the popularity of new music, phonograph records were far superior.
  4. Within six months of its release, over a million recordings had been sold, thus fusing the New Orleans sound with the term "jazz" in a commercial world.
  5. Chicago became a destination for many jazz musicians who left New Orleans in search of new ideas and venues with new audiences.

2. Despite the impact of racial segregation at the time, many jazz groups consisted only of black musicians.


In Sentence 7 (reproduced below) which of the following versions of the underlined text best establishes the writer's position on an important theme in the passage?

European folk and African-Caribbean elements merged with a popular American mainstream, causing a cultural revolution that spread far and wide.

(A) (as it is now)

(B) inspiring "good time" music delivered in a rollicking, sometimes rough, manner.

(C) creating a sound that that appealed to young musicians because it was fun.

(D) a sound so addictive that many musicians never again played anything else. 

(E) a combination that made New Orleans a perfect venue for jazz to take seed and thrive.

(E) a combination that made New Orleans a perfect venue for jazz to take seed and thrive.


An attentive reading of the passage suggests a disconnect in thought between sentences 32 and 33 (reprinted below).

(32) For several centuries, this classical science had little influence on everyday life. (34) Soon after, the scientific community began to speak optimistically about solving the secret of life.

Which of the following sentences would best fill that gap?

  1. At that moment qualified scholars and researchers began to speak optimistically about solving the secret of life.
  2. By the beginning of the 1900s, and then during two wars and the Great Depression, you'd hardly hear a peep about it.
  3. In search of funding, researchers appealed to government and private sources.
  4. An intellectual elite, however, wanted to look deeper into Nature's cooking pot.
  5. On philosophical and moral grounds, some religious and conservative groups began an effort to squelch research.

4. An intellectual elite, however, wanted to look deeper into Nature's cooking pot.


After reviewing the draft of this passage, the writer thinks that readers may find that the tone of sentence 3 (reproduced below) is too harsh.

That it ripened most fully in New Orleans seems beyond dispute, although there are a few misguided deviants who support other theories of its origin.

Which of the following versions of the underlined text best expresses the meaning and also maintains the overall tone of the passage?

(A) Long-term doubts still persist.

(B) Not everyone agrees.

(C) Opinions of some cultural historians state other views.

(D) There are schools of thought varying on the issue.

(E) Skeptics are serious about doubting the claim.

(B) Not everyone agrees.


The writer wants sentence 14 (reproduced below) to function as a smooth transition between paragraphs.

Before long the local urge for musical expression was powerful.

Which of the following best serves the writer's purpose?

  1. (Keep it as it is.)
  2. As luck would have it, fans of jazz rejoiced.
  3. Fortunately for jazz fans, all those requirements were met.
  4. Jazz fans, it seems, got their wishes.
  5. Looking back at the situation, this was a turning point in jazz history.

4. Jazz fans, it seems, got their wishes.