(ancient or modern)
Chinese Abroad
What's the name of THE utensil that Chinese use for eating in general?
Chopsticks! Made of wood, bamboo or even silver, in the ancient China, the material of chopsticks can be a symbol of power and social status~
What is the name of the capital city of China?
Beijing It's not Shanghai plz :)
What is the other name of the Imperial Palace in Beijing called? (the famous one, grand old city)
The Forbidden City/紫禁城 The Chinese name literally means "Purple Forbidden City", purple being the color related to emperor due to ancient Chinese astrology. It's build in 1406, and now still open, functioning as one the nation's most important museums. During the Second Opium War(1860), British and French troops invaded the city and considered burn down the whole Forbidden City. They burnt down the Old Summer Palace(圆明园) instead.
What is the full name of China currently?
The People's Republic of China/中华人民共和国 The shorter and mostly commonly used version, 中国, means "middle kingdom".
What is the name of Chinese community in major cities outside China?
Chinatown. The most important Chinatowns in the US exist in New York and California.
Which type of rice would Chinese prefer as the staple food, brown rice or white rice?
White rice! Often eaten together with the dishes, white rice add in a mild flavor, alongside the flavor from meat and vegetables
Which part of China has the used name Manchuria(满洲里)?
The Northeast China(东北) The name is given by Japanese, who gained the actual control of Manchuria from 1931-1945. The name relates to the local ethnicity Manchu people, who dominates the last Chinese dynasty(Qing dynasty/清朝).
Which city has the largest population in China(by urban area only)?
Shanghai, with an estimation of 24 million people. Mainland China allegedly has more than 100 cities whose urban areas have more than 1 million of people
Name 2 Chinese Dynasties?
Countless...唐宋元明清 etcetera
Besides China, which country also has a decent percentage of population speaking the Chinese language, name one?
Singapore for example.
What's the name of the best(ikr) Chinese restaurant in Nashville? (Hint: It's Chinese name is a location of HongKong/English name includes the word "Cafe")
Asian Corner Café/旺角 (Take notes and go there!) Disclaimer: I didn't receive any grey envelopes from them :P
Which Chinese province shares the Himalayas, especially the Mount Everest, with Nepal?
Tibet/西藏 The name in Tibetan language is Jomo Langma(珠穆朗玛峰in Chinese),which stands for "Holy Mother"
Who is the first and only Chinese actor who has won the (Oscar)Academy Honorary Award/奥斯卡终生成就奖?
Jackie Chan. I don't need to give intro on this one I guess:)
Who is the famous Italian traveler who wrote the famous accounts about China and Asia?
Marco Polo/马可波罗
What is the name of San Francisco for Chinese?
旧金山, meaning "The Old Gold Mountain" The Gold Rush brought the first wave of Chinese immigrants into the U.S.
Who invented General Tsao Chicken? (Just the last name also works)
Chef Peng Changgui(彭长贵), who just passed away recently. He invented the dish when he was an apprentice chef back in Hunan(湖南) Province, and later stayed in Taiwan. The original version was actually a bit sour, instead of sweetened flavor.
What are the names of the two "Mother River" of China? (Name both of them)
Yangtze River and Yellow River(长江,黄河) The Chinese name of Yangtze River - Chang Jiang - literally means "long river". It's the 3rd longest river in the world, Yellow River being the 6th.
Who is the most popular male pop singer of China in the 21st Century, from Taiwan(province)?
Jay Chou/周杰伦
Who is the only female emperor/leader that has ever appeared of Chinese history?
Wu Zetian/武则天 Originally the queen of Tang Dynasty, she gained power after her husband died and maintained a strongman politics throughout her lifetime.
From which provinces are the Chinese immigrants mostly from? Name 1.
Canton, Fujian and Zhejiang...
What is "the Four Major Cuisines/Family" of Chinese food? (You can just name 2 of the 4)
Chuan(Sichuan), Lu, Yue(Cantonese), Huaiyang; (川,鲁,粤,淮扬) Put it in short: 川菜 Sichuan style - Spicy 鲁菜 Lu style - a bit mix of everything, influenced the northern china hugely 粤菜 Cantonese style - good at timely/fresh meat and seafood 淮扬菜 Huaiyang Style- mild and a bit sweet
India, Pakistan, Russia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan
Name 5 countries that China share borders with.
How many ethnicities do China have(officially)? (Do we all look the same?!@#$% jk)
56 ethnicities. Han being the largest, accounts for more than 90% of the population. Some other famous ethnicities include: - Uyghur people who live in Xinjiang and are mostly Muslims. - Inner Mongolians who share the ancestry with their neighboring Mongolians - Zhuang people. The most populous ethnic minority of China - Hui people who live almost everywhere in China and also traditionally Muslims
Which year did Britain officially hand over the control of Hong Kong to mainland China?
1997. 1st of July to be more exact. Many Hong Kong residents still hold British passports after the handover. Similarly, after Portugal return Macau to mainland China in 1999, many Macau residents retain their Portuguese passports.
What is the name of the Chinese American politician in this Trump regime?
Elaine Zhao/赵小兰 Born in Taiwan, she is also the wife of Mitch McConnell.