Mixed Review 1
Mixed Review 2
Mixed Review 3
Mixed Review 4
Mixed Review 5
Which of the following sentences is an opinion?
A. Today' Yorkies still have the need to dig. B. A Yorkshire Terrier is also called a Yorkie. C. When a happy Yorkie plays these games, a Toy is playing with a toy. D. Anyone who has ever met a Yorkie has seen one of the cutest dogs around!
Which set of words contains a word that does not belong?
A. yard, mile, inch, foot B. brook, pool, pond, river C. blossom, leaf, root, stem D. hose, garden, rake, shovel
Which word is a synonym for recognized?
A. wanted B. owned C. took D. knew
Read the following sentence. *When the scouts went camping, they took a portable stove along. What does portable mean in the sentence above?
A. something that can be heated easily B. something used for cooking C. something used outdoors D. something that can be moved easily
Something that is not human but has human qualities/characteristics is known as-
A. simile B. metaphor C. personification D. synonym
Which of the following choices shows a compound word that has been correctly broken down into two words?
A. re + main B. dig + gers C. cute +ness D. play + thing
In which of the following sentences does in- have the same meaning as the prefix in the word incomplete?
A. He was an inactive member of the club. B. My keys are inside the school building. C. The teacher will increase our recess time. D. They walked into the kitchen to get some milk.
What part of a book will help you find information about how to feed a kitten?
A. glossary B. index C. title page D. front cover
In which word do the letters "oo" have the same sound as they do in the word "bloom"?
A. shook B. flood C. tooth D. stood
Read the following list of words. *trail, route, highway Which word belongs with the others in the list?
A. forest B. travel C. path D. tunnel
Read the following sentence. *The trees raise their huge leafy arms to the sky. Why does the poet use personification in this line?
A. To show that the tree has green leaves but that a person does not have colorful arms B. To show that the tree's branches make the reader think of a person with lifted arms C. To show that the tree's branches are big enough to hold a person D. To show that the tree is taller that a person usually is
Which of the following words is formed by adding the prefix dis- to a base word?
A. disturb B. disease C. distance D. disappear
Which of the following is the correct way to divide comfortable into syllables?
A. com/for/table B. com/for/ta/ble C. com/fort/able D. com/fort/a/ble
Read the following dictionary entry. drum (drum) noun. 1. a musical instrument 2. a metal container 3. a type of fish Which sentence uses the word drum as it is used in definition number 2?
A. Workers filled the drum to the top with oil. B. I picked up my sticks and started playing my drum. C. The huge drum swam in the water beneath the pier. D. The marching band had the biggest drum I had ever seen.
What part of the book tells you what page number a topic or subject is found? *Hint: This is also found in ABC order.
A. glossary B. table of contents C. index D. title page
Which of the words below is not a compound word?
A. sidewalk B. goodness C. snowstorm D. grandmother
Which of the following words will not make a compound word when added to the word any?
A. where B. thing C. that D. one
From the affixes below, which one added to cover will not make a new word?
A. -ed B. mis- C. dis- D. ing
Read the following line. *I wonder how a giraffe stands as high as a tall tree when its neck has the same number of bones as mine. Which of the following correctly evaluates the use of the simile in this line?
A. The poet uses a simile to point out the height of a giraffe. B. The poet uses a simile to point out how many bones a giraffe has. C. The poet uses a simile to show how a giraffe is like the speaker. D. The poet uses a simile to show how a giraffe stands.
Which text structure lists steps and has an outcome that you can take away?
A. simple procedure B. sequential order C. cause and effect D. description
Which of the following words does not form a new word when the prefix im- is added to it?
A. prove B. patient C. pleasant D. possible
Read the following sentence. *After I had settled in and unpacked my things, Grandpa stuck his head into the room where I was staying and asked if I'd help him get Bessy into the barn. What is the meaning of the contraction I'd?
A. I should B. I would C. I had D. I did
Which part of a book will help the reader find more information about how sea otters find their food?
A. table of contents B. front cover C. title page D. glossary
To which word below can -ing be added to form another word?
A. wore B. sharp C. frown D. crept
Which of the following statements is an opinion?
A. Come and visit sunny Lake Campton, located in the middle of the hill country. B. The park is the perfect place to find adventure or to relax in the great outdoors. C. At Lake Campton Park, visitors can fish, hike, or camp. D. Stay in one of our log cabins or sleep under the stars.