Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3 & Above
Did you pay attention
Stay on your toes

What War did Steve Fight in ?

Answer: WWll


Who Shot Nick Fury ?

Answer: Winter Soldier


FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION: How many MCU movies did Chris Evans appear in ?

Answer: 11 Cap TFA, CAP WS, CAP CW, Avengers IW, Avengers Endgame, Spiderman Homecoming, Captain Marvel, Avengers AOU, DP & WOLVERINE, Antman, Avengers


What year did Janet Van Dyne go disappear ?

Answer: 1987

Where did the Avengers Members go to eat in the post credit scene in Avengers ?

Answer: Shawarma 


What age did Tony Stark Graduate College

Double Bonus: College name

Answer: Age 17 

Double Bonus Answer: MIT


What planet were Star Lord, Rocket, Groot, and Gamora arrested on ?

Answer: Xandar


Where did Stephen Strange travel to get his hands fixed ?

Answer: Tibet


Odin stated there are____realms he protects. How many realms are there ?

Answer: 9 realms


In DP & Wolverine how many Wolverine cameos were there ?

Answer: 6


How many men did Cap save in Cap TFA

Answer: 136 Men


What cave did Thor go to in Avengers AOU to help him understand his visons ?

Double Bonus: Who helped him find the cave 

Answer: The Norn Cave

Double Bonus Answer: Dr. Erik Selvig


Whats Rocket Racoon's number that was given to him by The High Evolutionary ?

Answer: 89P13


What was the name of the protocol Tony made for Peters suit in Homecoming ?

Answer: Training Wheels Protocol


How many scores did Alan Silvestri compose ?

Double Bonus: What were those movies ?

Answer: 4

Double Bonus Answer: Captain America TFA, Avengers, Avengers IW, Avengers Endgame 


Who was the composer for The Avengers 2012

Answer: Alan Silvestri


Finish this Line: You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys, but one thing you can't take away____

Answer: I am Ironman


Finish This Line: Evacuate the city, engage all defenses_______

Answer: Get this man a shield


What Year Did Tony Parents Die ? 

Double Bonus Answer: The month and Day

Answer: 1991

Double Bonus Answer: December 16th


T'challa stated that in the afterlife 2 gods meet and lead you into the green velt who are those two gods ?

Answer: Bast and Sekhmet


What were the missiles called that Tony Stark engineered for the military?

Answer: Jericho Missiles 


Aaron Taylor Johnson (quicksilver) and Eizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch) both starred in Avengers AOU what movie before were they Co-stars on as husband and wife ?

Answer: Godzilla


What age did Shang-Chi run away ?

Double Bonus: Where did he end up after running away ?

Answer: Age 14

Double Bonus Answer: San Francisco 


When we meet Bruce in Incredible Hulk how many days did he go without transforming into the HULK ? 

Answer: 158 Days


What was the name of ship Captain America had a mission in the first part of CAP WS

Double Bonus: What Notable Marvel Villain did he fight on the ship ?

Answer: Lemurian Star

Double Bonus Answer: Batroc the leaper