Nursing Interventions
COPD therapy
What is my pack history?

The most comfortable position your COPD patient to be is...

What is high Fowler's because you want them to be able increase their chest expansion to the maximum amount by placing their diaphragm in the proper position?


These drugs thin the secretions so the COPD patient has an easier time coughing and expelling the secretion(s).

What are mucolytics?


This lab value would be an indication of an infection

What is/are WBC(s)?

Jonny smoked 3 packs a day from ages 27 until 39.
What is a 36 pack history.

This is the maximum level of oxygen for a COPD patient and the rationale.

What is 2L of oxygen because of the CO2 drive?


The type of breathing exercises taught to COPD patients. 

What are turn, cough, and deep breathing exercises?


Name three of the types of drugs used to manage COPD.

What are...

Possible answers: beta-adrenergic agents, cholinergic antagonists, xanthines, corticosteriods chromones


Normal SpO2 levels are 95-100%. A COPD patient has a normal minimum SpO2 level at...

What is 88%?

Sally smoked 2 packs a day from age 30 until 45 and 3 packs a day from age 45-47.
What is a 36 pack history.

This physical manifestation is seen on the fingers of COPD patients.

What is clubbing.


The tool given to your patient to increase lung expansion and reduce risk of pneumonia.

What is a incentive spironmeter?


True or false: 

Suctioning should be performed on a routine schedule.

What is false? Suctioning should be performed as needed.


The degree of clubbing seen on the finger of a patient with COPD.

What is 180 degrees?

James smoked half a pack a day for 22 years and 1 pack a day for 6 years.
What is a 17 pack history.

This shape of the chest is seen in COPD patients.

What is a barrel chest?


In pursed-lip breathing, the ratio of inhalation to exhalation.

What is a 1:2 - 1 inhalation to 2 exhalations?


True or False: COPD patients drink 2 to 3 L/day of water.

What is true?


These labratory values indicate that the patient has a pH of 7.25, HCO3 of 21, and a PACO2 of 49.

What is Respiratory Acidosis?

Amy smoked half a pack a day starting from age 15 until she was 34.
What is a 9.5 pack history.

True or false: Capillary refill will be under 2 seconds in COPD patients.

What is false?


This nursing intervention will ensure the patient doesn't lose weight. 

What is encouraging high calorie, high protein foods?


True or false: Exercise can benefit people even with severe cases of COPD.

What is true?


Any two electrolytes that reduce muscle strength in patients with COPD?

What are: Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphate, and Potassium?


Debbie smoked half a pack a day from ages 16-22. She smoked one pack a day from ages 22-41. She smoked 3 packs a day from ages 41 until her death at age 49.

What is a 46 pack history.


True or False: COPD is seen more often in older women than men.

What is false?