Work up that Reaction
Stop that transfusion!
Get Ready to Save a Life
Document, Document, Document
Nursing Responsibilities

This is the number of blood tubes that must collected after a transfusion reaction.

What are two?


Name the three most common signs and symptoms of a hemolytic reaction. 

What are fever, chills, and rigors? 


Name the patient test for blood type and antibody screening.

What is a type and screen?


True or False?

Completion of the pre-transfusion form is the only requires one set of vital signs, and you only need to include is the patient temperature.

What is False?


During this phase, the nurses assess the patient, obtain vital signs, and ensure all necessary equipment is available. The nurse also educates and may pre-medicate the patient. Name this phase (stage).

What is the preparation phase?


True or False

It's a good idea to continue to transfuse blood once a reaction has occurred. You decide to ask a nurse tech to get a set of vital signs while you obtain some medications.


It's a bad idea to continue to transfuse blood once a reaction has occurred because the patient will worsen. As the registered nurse, you hung the blood, you assess the vital signs for the patient. If you need medications use the callbell to ask another RN to assist in obtaining medications, calling provider, etc.


A temperature increase by at least 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit or 1 degree Celsius indicates that this condition has occurred.

What is a hemolytic transfusion reaction?


Name the document that must be signed prior to a patient receiving a blood transfusion.

What is blood transfusion consent form?


The RN must obtain and document this type of workup post transfusion reaction, name it. 

What is transfusion reaction workup?


This is the time duration a nurse initially monitor the patient once the blood product has begun.

What is 15 minutes?


This is the color of the top of the blood collection tube that must be collected after a blood transfusion reaction has occurred because the tube contains EDTA which is used for blood bank testing to investigate the cause of reaction, and checking for hemolysis.

What is a pink top?

*Lab specific, know your facility protocols


Name the three ways a nurse prevents bacterial contamination of blood products.

What are:

1. Inspecting blood products before transfusion 

2. Maintaining appropriate cold storage of red cells before transfusion

3. Not allowing transfusions to go beyond the recommended infusion time



True or False?

The transfusion form must be completed by 2 RN's.

What is True?


The frequency of monitoring and documentation of vital signs? 

Document vital signs after fifteen minutes, then every hour, and finally, at the end of the transfusion. 


It's been 25 minutes since the patient's blood products have been initiated. The nurse has completed the initial monitoring and has left the patient's bedside. The callbell has been activated. The patient reports feeling feverish, chills, and audible wheezing is heard. This is the nurse's initial action...

What is to stop the blood transfusion?


After a blood transfusion reaction has occurred, you should send these three items back to the blood bank immediately for analysis to help determine the cause of the reaction by placing them inside a biohazard bag.

What are administration set and blood product container, with the blood bank form attached?


These reactions occur within 24 hours of the transfusion, and most often happen within the first 15 minutes.

What are acute reactions?


Mr. Jones' blood is ready in blood bank. You go to the blood bank. List the information you provide the blood bank with on an index card/piece of paper. 

What is...

Patient full name

Patient MRN

Patient ID band number ( “A number)

Type of blood product being requested?


Mr. Jones has just had a bad transfusion reaction. This document is in ad hoc must be completed after a transfusion reaction?

What is transfusion reaction document?

Document the time and date of the reaction, type and amount of infused blood or blood product, time you started the transfusion, and time you stopped it.


Place the administration set and blood product container, with the blood bank form attached, inside a biohazard bag.

What is send the bag to the blood bank immediately for analysis to help determine the cause of the reaction?


List the six sections that must be completed when completing the transfusion reaction forms.

What are:

Transfusion reaction symptoms

Transfusion reaction to….

Transfusion reaction unit #

Time reaction occurred

Identify what actions was taken after reaction occurred

Physician notified and time?


True or False? 

The overall risk of a reaction is considered low, with most studies reporting adverse effects in less than 1% of transfusions.



This is the blood product information the blood bank technician will give you, list them.

What is...

Correct Product

Unit Number matches slip and lab computer

Expiration date of blood product

type of unit and verification of compatibility?


Name at least six things that must be documented when completing the transfusion form.

What is...

Patient verification

Names of RN giving blood


Transfusion Site

Donor number

Donor unit expiration date

Donor unit blood

Patient blood type

Blood product

Cross match

Transfusion Requirement

Transfusion Start date and time?


Patient has a nursing diagnosis of hyperthermia as related to adverse reaction from a blood transfusion as evidence by 101.4 degree F temp., chills, and lethargy. State the expected patient outcomes.

What is patient will maintain body temperature within normal limits as evidenced by stable vital signs and the absence of chills?