Loss Prevention
Operations & Inventory Control & Other Support
Think LP
Other Randomness That Casey Finds Amusing

This system houses investigations, internal case files, known theft data and other data reported by the LP teams.

What is Think LP?


This process deals with the counting of product within specified locations to correct any inventory discrepancies.

What is cycle counting?


The Think LP platform is primarily owned and managed by this software company.

What is Salesforce?


These actions in Microsoft excel allow executable code to be written in which the system will replicate an action or conduct an action as designated by the user/developer. 

What is a Macro?


Personnel names and proximity ID numbers are retrieved from the rosters and auto pulled into this file that gets uploaded to the DS computers.

What is the Cardsimp file?


**Random Challenge**

To obtain these 200 points, the person who selected it must be able to pat their head and rub their stomach at the same time!


This item within Think LP contains multiple components made up of one or more individual reports.

What is a dashboard?


This type of fish is the primary type of fish that Casey catches when he goes fishing.

What is a Catfish?


The percentage of an investigators time that should be spent on investigations.

What is 70%?


This report can identify changes in the lost and found report every 7 days.

What is the Lost & Found Week over Week report?


This dashboard provides analytics around empty packages found in the warehouse and shows data on the most popular empty package home locations, top sku's etc.

What is the Known Theft Dashboard?


This restaurant is Adrian & Casey's go to place for lunch meetings.

What is Riverside Pub & Grille.


This annual test is given to all Loss Prevention Investigators and validates the investigators knowledge around Loss Prevention & Operational policies and protocols within logistics.

What is the Logistics Loss Prevention Certification?


The abbreviation "P.I." is a yearly audit conducted by sampling a percentage of each buildings merchandise based on what is reported into MCS and aligns MCS and JDA as far as inventory counting.

What is the Physical Inventory?


This function within Think LP allows you to document events, support, security issues & mandatory compliance checks that automatically are sent to your team upon finalizing.

What is the End of Shift/Compliance Reports?


This individual Casey often refers to as his "4 feet of hellfire and fury!"

Who is Jess Dison?


This system, similar to "Box", is an updated cloud storage system that Logistics Loss Prevention uses to store and work on shared documents & other items not housed in Think LP.

What is OneDrive?


This team sends us MULTIPLE emails a year claiming to be from an outside source testing us with Phishing emails and I would love nothing more then to send them 8,589,426 emails back with the same thing and in big bold letters the phrase "OK WE GET THE POINT!"

Who is InfoSec? (Information Security)


**Random Challenge**

You have 30 seconds to put a business card of any kind on the table.


This deceased actor performed a stand up comedy special on HBO and also starred in such movies as "Hook" and Mrs. Doubtfire.

Who is Robin Williams?