
How soon after picking up the IBA do you wait to communicate with your new recruit?

You don’t, your new recruit is your baby you have take care of them every step of the way. Text / call 247 


Prompts COD on KT … 

Do you submit it regular or cash on deliver?

When in doubt or prompted COD 



Yes this all sounds great it’s just none of those zoom times work for me how would this work out?

Run it! Pick up the IBA at a time that’s convenient & solidified with the potential recruit. 


When should you sit on your first appointment with your recruit after running the orientatio?



Power term vs precision term 

Power term requires no blood work up front 

Precision term blood work needed 


Name 2 reasons why you push a recruits exam out?

Inconsistent & scoring low 


Hi yes I need to cancel my policy …

Part 1. Mr. Client how are you? Of course when are you available for a phone call 

Part 2. I can definitely help you with that now when are you available for a zoom call sometime today or tomorrow? 


Yes so I loved it, I have the $124 I just really need to ask my parents first. 

Okay I can understand that, look Joe can I talk to you like a friend?

okay cool let me ask you do your parents have the life you desire to have for yourself?


You’re at the list & the recruit tells you I can’t think of anyone? 

Okay let me ask you who is your favorite artist?

if you got married who is on the guest list?

everyone has cancer 10 pills who would you save?


Do I have to buy anything?

That’s a great question so actually no you don’t Mr.client, this servers as great training for Mari so she can gain experience now one of these three things typically occur … 🤌🏻


Close me on in person class … 🥶

Text book 


pass ratio 

goodie bag 



Your client prompts, needs more information what do you do?

so look Mr.client you did not get approved on the spot & thats 100% okay, let me just confirm all medical questions were answered truthfully no other issues I need to be aware about before moving forwar?


So if I don’t sell anything I don’t make money?

To be straight forward yes,

But let me ask you why do you feel like you won’t sell anything?

Think about this Joe .. if I’m your trainer can you think of any reason why we wouldn’t want you to succeed?

If we were to put your work ethic ambition and desire to get ahead with my expiration and expertise can you think of anything reason why you wouldn’t succeed?


I understand how it works I just don’t want to reach out to my family … 🤔

Okay you know what I was the exact same way, let me ask you have you ever wanted your own busines?


This is all good information but I already have a 41k & life insurance is pretty decent so I’m good.

Okay so you’d say your set Mr.client?

that’s actually really good, let me ask you would something extra outside your current retirement jeopardize you in any way?

okay, and regarding your life insurance you mentioned it’s decent? If I could help you leave your family with something that leaves them well off would you prefer decent?

 ok great so this is actually what you would have additionally … 


How soon do you help a recruit with their licensing DOCs?

When the recruit is scoring 60+ on practice exams or exam. 


approved COD rated class 5+ 

yeah so I thought I was going to get approved at a lower rate i just don’t think I’ll move forward right now… 😕

Yes Mr.Client I hear you, now it’s actually very surprising to me that the company approved this policy which this is great thing, I understand the rating might be out of your reach at the moment and I actually did my homework for you. We never want this to be an issue, so let’s get you started with a lower coverage and wait it out a few months we can send in a reconsideration. 


If the opportunity is so good why doesn’t everyone do it?

So I’m glad you ask, now let me explain. 

This works just like a gym, anyone and everyone can go to the gym right? but not everyone gets fit .. or do they? 


I think I just want to get licensed first (☹️)

Okay great, that’s good that you want to get licensed first but let me recap on the 25% … 


You didn’t close … what do you do after? 

Call the trainee 

Hey dude I’m super proud of you, even though we didn’t close you learned many things … 

boom boom & boom 


I thought you said the 124 covers my exam … 

Yes you are correct the 124 does cover your first exam, that’s exactly why we reimburse you as soon as you pass your exam. theref what day works best for you to test?


How do you calculate the QBI 

Taken rate x persistency rate 


Im a potential recruit, Close me on the Fast Start … 🥶







Hey so after the orientation I just don’t think this is for me …

That’s okay, I can understand that. What we can do first is get you licensed and hold off on your training. You already scheduled your exam so let’s take advantage of that. 


This is great I just want Mari to get licensed first so I can buy from her. 
