Basic Care and Comfort
Integumentary System
Musculoskeletal System
Sensory System
Immunologic System and Connective Tissue Disorders

Name one nursing intervention for addressing basic care and comfort needs.

What is: Repositioning the patient to prevent pressure ulcers.


Discuss the role of the Braden Scale in preventing pressure injuries and the key factors it assesses.

What is:  

The Braden Scale is a tool used to predict pressure injury risk, assessing six factors: sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, and friction/shear.


What are common laboratory and diagnostic tests for musculoskeletal disorders?

What is: 

Hemoglobin/ Hematocrit

ESR, WBC, Serum calcium and phosphorus

X rays, CT, MRI


What is a common pharmacological treatment for glaucoma?

What is: 

Eye drops, such as prostaglandin analogs, to reduce intraocular pressure.


What is a common pharmacological treatment for autoimmune disorders?

What is: Corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and immune response


Why is therapeutic communication important in nursing?

What is: It helps build trust and rapport, which can improve patient outcomes.


How can a non-healing wound affect a patient’s basic care and comfort needs?

What is: It can lead to chronic pain, increased risk of infection, and emotional distress, impacting overall quality of life.


Outline the nursing care for a patient recovering from a hip fracture surgery.

What is: Nursing care includes pain management, monitoring for signs of infection, assisting with mobility exercises, and educating on fall prevention.


 How can therapeutic communication be adapted for patients with hearing impairments?

What is: 

Using visual aids, speaking clearly, and ensuring the patient can see the nurse’s face for lip-reading.


What are the types of Hypersensitivities

What is: 

Type 1: rapid or immediate IgE

Type 2: Cytotoxic IgG

Type 3: Immune complex-mediated

Type 4: Delayed


How can a nurse assess a patient's cultural needs?

What is: By using cultural assessment tools and asking open-ended questions about their preferences and beliefs.


What medication is commonly used to treat bacterial skin infections?

What is: Topical or oral antibiotics, such as mupirocin or cephalexin.


What is the purpose of an MRI in assessing musculoskeletal injuries?

What is: An MRI is used to provide detailed images of soft tissues, including muscles, ligaments, and tendons, to diagnose the extent of the injury.


Describe the difference between Conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss.

What is: 

Conductive hearing loss is caused by obstructions or damage to the outer and middle ear.

Sensorineural hearing loss is damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve.


Outline the nursing care plan for a patient with arthritis.

What is: 

Pain management, promoting physical activity, and educating the patient on joint protection techniques.


Describe a strategy to address a patient's environmental safety when they are at risk of falls

What is:  Implementing fall prevention protocols, such as using bed alarms and non-slip footwear.


Explain the epidemiology and management of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) skin infections.

What is: MRSA is a resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus that commonly causes skin and soft tissue infections; management includes incision and drainage of abscesses and antibiotic therapy based on susceptibility testing (e.g., trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, doxycycline).


Common examples of Bisphosphonates?

What is: Alendronate, Ibandronate, Risedronate, Pamidronate IV, Zoledronic Acid IV


Nursing Interventions for Glaucoma

What is: 

Regular eye exams, monitor IOP, medication adherence, potential surgery, medication

List and describe each stage of HIV

What is:

Stage 1: Acute response, the onset of infection after an initial invasion

Stage 2: Chronic, gradually, CD4+ t cell count falls, viral numbers rise

Stage 3: AIDS, the final most serious, immune system weakened


What is a potential complication associated with impaired mobility that can affect a patient's environmental safety?

What is: Increased risk of pressure ulcers due to prolonged immobility and poor circulation.


What are the three phases of wound healing, and what occurs in each phase

What is: Inflammatory phase (hemostasis and inflammation), proliferative phase (granulation and tissue formation), and maturation phase (remodeling of collagen and strengthening of the tissue)


Pharmacological treatments for musculoskeletal Disorders

What is: 

Calcium and Vitamin D


Estrogen Agonist/Antogonists

RANKL inhibitors


What are the most common Auditory Disorders?

What is:

Otis Media

External Otitis



Meniere Disease

Acoustic Neuroma


Name the different types of Drug Classifications to treat HIV.

What is: 

Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors

Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors

Protease Inhibitors

Intagrase Inhibitors