Contract Requirements
Examiner Scorecard
Inspections & Compliance

Be on time! The White Rabbit knows that examiners must begin examinations within 30 minutes from this.

What is the veteran's scheduled appointment time?


It is defined as the average days since the appointment start date to the first submission.

What is average days pending (ADP)?


It is the minimum number of hours per day that a full-time Gen Med examiner should have available on their schedule?

What is 5.5 hours?


You can use the 2.4 LSGS DBQ Incentive report to find out if examiners completed at least 8 of these per day.

What are submissions (DBQs)?


Looking to buy a new otoscope? Step 1, request one of these first.

What is a Quote or Request for Quote?


Claimants will be asked to complete one of these after an exam in order to provide feedback on the quality of service.

What is a customer satisfaction survey?


Another name for a DBQ that passes QA on the first submission.

What is an Efficient DBQ?


This individual is responsible for all matters related to key and lock control.

Who is the key custodian?


The 1.4 Examiner Availability report divides an examiner's scheduled hours by the examiner's available hours to get this.

What is the utilization rate?


This person is great on paper, but don't be asking him or her to buy any medical supplies.

Who is the Operations/Clinic Support Specialist?


The VA describes this as the veteran's claimed condition that must be adjudicated.

What is the contention?


Examiners should aim to achieve an average of _____ initial DBQ’s per day to achieve a grade of A.

What is 11?


In the event of a suicidal veteran, this must be completed by the clinic within 24 hours.

What is an Incident Report?


This report shows a list of pending DBQs and pending DBQ totals by examiner

What is 1.2 Pending DBQs Report?


The term used to define how much of a product or inventory to keep in stock.

What are PAR or Periodic Automatic Replacement levels?


96.5% is the minimum score that Loyal Source must meet for this contract performance requirement.

What is Quality?


Hi ho! Examiners receive credit for a full day's worth of work after completing one of these two types of special visits.

What is Homebound or Incarcerated?


Follow this policy in the event you accidentally stick yourself with a needle after performing phlebotomy. Hint: Dracula would be a huge fan.

What is the Blood-Borne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan?


It's where you can find the appointments that need to be scheduled when an examiner leaves Loyal Source.

What is the 1.31 Scheduling Termed Providers report?


They are the only types of supplies that clinics can order online and without authorization.

What are lab or phlebotomy?


We are allowed to request the VA do this when a veteran is unable to attend a rescheduled appointment within 5 calendars days of the original appointment.

What is cancel the contentions?


All extra credit must be submitted by COB on this day of the week.

What is Wednesday?


If the Medical Disability Examination Office (MDEO) receives a complaint on a clinic and they choose to perform an inspection, they will notify Loyal Source's Corporate HQ this much time in advance.

What is 24 hours?


This report is a list of active DBQs available in MDE4Vets, including telehealth and ACE eligibility, default specialties, burden times, and CLIN codes.

What is the 1.32 DBQ Master List


It's the Area Manager's purchasing approval limit.

What is $2500?