What is the Bible?
The Bible is the word of God.
Why is the Bible the word of God?
The Bible is the word of God because God spoke every word in the Bible.
What does God-breathed mean?
It means that God spoke something.
True or false: God did not give us a shield of faith against the bad thoughts the enemy brings to our minds at times.
Who gives us faith?
How should we respond to the Bible?
Ex: love it, honor it, obey it etc.
Hint: Starts with letter A-D.
We should respond to the Bible by believing in it.
Why can't God be pleased with us if we do not believe in his words?
God cannot be pleased with us if we do not believe in his words because if we do not believe in his words, we are not believing in him.
What is a shield?
Something that gives us protection (A piece of metal).
True or false: If we don't read the Bible, we won't gain faith.
How does God feel when we do not believe what the Bible tells us?
Who speaks bad thoughts to us at times?
The enemy.
Why is the word of God perfect?
Because God is perfect.
What does the word faith mean?
Faith is believing in what we do not see.
Where in the Bible do we read about faith?
Hebrews 11:3
Hebrews 11:1
Hebrews 11:2
Hebrews 11:1
How do we gain faith?
By reading the Bible.
If we have faith in God's words, how can that help us?
Provide an example.
We won't give up because in every moment we will use God's words.
Ex: Struggling in class --> "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13.
Why should we believe every word in the Bible?
Because it is flawless/perfect.
What does the word believe mean?
Accepting something as true.
Having faith in something.
What are the rivers of living water that God fills those who believe in him?
The Holy Spirit.
The Bible tells us that there is a way to please God, how can we please him?
By having faith.
With what does God fill those who believe in his words?
With rivers of living water.
Where does it say that the Bible is the word of God
Hint: 2 Timothy 3: _____.
2 Timothy 3:16
What does the word flawless mean?
What was the Bible verse we had to memorize for homework?
Romans 10:17
Romans 10:15
Romans 10:18
Romans 10:17.
Faith is a _____ from God.