Feelings, individuals, or situations that cause your brain to crave substances; if you are unaware of them they could be a factor for relapse.
a powerful desire to use substances
often perceived as "impulsive" and "uncontrollable"
Someone who guides a newcomer through the process of 12-step groups
King of Rock 'n Roll that died officially of heart failure, but after his death reportedly was found to contain high dosages of, among other things, the opiates Dilaudid, Percodan, and Demerol, as well as Quaaludes and codeine.
Elvis Presley
An opiate that is fueling the opiate crisis in the U.S.
A state of mind where you are thankful and taking notice of the good things in your life, rather than focusing on the bad
These thoughts are harmful in recovery and can be things we tell ourselves to talk us into using again
Relapse justification thoughts
bonus: 100pts to anyone willing to share a time when they had a justification thought
Refusing to admit the truth about addiction and its consequences to ourselves.
God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, COURAGE to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the difference
Serenity Prayer
This music artist had a hit pop song come out a few years before her death called 'Rehab'
Amy Winehouse, died of alcohol intoxication
Happy, Joyous, and _________
Exercising, journaling, spending time with family, being outdoors, arts and crafts, reading, meditation, etc
Positive coping skills
This syndrome, that is common in early recovery, is characterized by having using dreams, trouble with memory, depression, and cravings (along with other potential symptoms)
Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms or (PAWS)
A negative personal trait a person possesses (impatient, judgmental, procrastinating)
What is a character defect
This singer/songwriter experienced a 20-year drug and alcohol addiction that he said saw him spending about $16,000 a week on heroin in the 1970s.
Eric Clapton
He chose to get clean and change his path after the death of his 4 year old son.
This spiritual principle is considered necessary by many when surrendering to a higher power.
Michael's middle name
Includes information to help an individual from using again in the future which can include 12-step recovery information, important phone numbers, healthy recreational activities to participate in, plans to address triggers, among other things.
relapse prevention plan (recovery plan)
Words the acronym HALT stand for?
This Step "Continue to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it."
step 10
This film follows the lives of four New Yorkers through their addiction.
Requiem for a Dream
We must do this for ourselves before we can give this to others that have hurt us.
Brandy's middle name
A state of mind that is harmful to recovery. It is characterized by being too comfortable or unmotivated to "do the work".
Using another hobby, substance, or activity to replace or substitute feelings/results that you used to get from using
cross addiction
The year that Alcoholics Anonymous was founded.
Bonus : What city was it founded in?
This child star first was forced into rehab at age 13, and a mental institution for a year and a half after that. She was emancipated from her parents and declared an adult at age 14. She worked hard and stayed sober once she was away from her family.
Drew Barrymore
These are the people who are hurt most by our behaviors in active addiction.
Family, Friends
The #1 cause of preventable death in the United States
Smoking cigarettes