The structure of a Neuron
More Neurons Q's
Overall Nervous system
Anatomy of the
Peripheral Nervous system

What is a neuron?

WHAT IS a cell that carries nerve impulses to transmit signals. 


Neurons can be classified by their functional differences. Name the three types of neurons?

WHAT IS motor neuron, interneuron, sensory neuron


Name each division of the entire Nervous system Flow Chart

What is Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, sensory(Afferent) and motor(Efferent), Somatic and Autonomic, Parasympathetic and Sympathetic 


what are the 2 main structures that deals with the central nervous system (CNS)?

WHAT IS the brain and the spinal cord


what is the peripheral nervous system?

a network of nerves that branch out from the spinal cord, all nerves not in the central nervous system: 


What is the 5 basic structure of a neuron?

WHAT IS Cell Body, several dendrites, axon, axon terminal, synapse

what does the motor neuron do?
Send nerve impulse to muscle or gland, muscle or gland reacts
What is a response?
A reaction caused by a change in an environment (internal or external)

What connects the right and left hemispheres of our brain ? 

What is Corpus Callosum 


Which neurotransmitter is used to enable REM sleeps and controls heart rate? 

WHAT IS Acetylcholine  (ACh)


What is the definition of the Nervous System? 

What is the control center of the body overseeing all communication among the organ systems


Name and Draw (on the board) the 3 structural types of neurons? 

WHAT IS unipolar (one process), bipolar (two processes) and multipolar (more than 2 processes)

What is a stimulus?
a change in environment that causes a reaction

What are the three main regions of the brain?

WHAT IS cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem


What is the difference between inhibition and stimulation ? 

What is inhibition slows down or blocks signals/impulses whereas stimulation increase or allows the entrance of more signals to enter from one neuron to another. 


What is a Neuroglia Cell and why is this cell more important than a Neuron? 

WHAT IS supportive cells that provide nutrition, insulation, and help with signal transmission. Because these cell main purpose is to protect, the neuroglia cell will strive to prevent the nerve cells from being damaged


What does a sensory neuron do?

Picks up stimuli, converts it into nerve impulse, sends it to interneuron(CNS)


what is a synapse?

the point at which a nerve impulse can be passed along to another neuron


Name the 4 types of lobes 

WHAT IS frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal Lobe. 


What is a reflex?

a response that happens quickly with little conscious control and your brain has no part in it


What is the Myelin Sheath?

WHAT IS covers the axons to protect and electrically insulate them which can help increase the speed of nerve impulse transmission


How do nerve IMPULSES travel from one neuron (ex. sensory neuron) to another (ex. motor neuron) ?

-start in dendrites -travels to nucleus -move to axon tip -axon tip creates chemicals that send impulse to interneuron -interneuron repeats process, sends it to motor neuron -motor neuron sends impulse to muscle or gland -muscle or gland reacts


What is a Effector?

What is anything that deals with our MUSCLES and GLANDS


what are the 3 main components of the brain stem? 

WHAT IS midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata 


What is the pathway of a reflex?

-touch object -sensory neurons send impulses to spinal cord -impulses pass from interneurons to motor neurons -motor neuron makes muscle move -brain reacts after muscle moves