what is my favorite movie
what is escape room
my favorite musical
what is heathers
my favorite food
my favorite card game
what is rummy
my least favorite class
what is gym
what is my favorite play
what is be more chill
my favorite song
what is wolf in sheeps clothing by set it off
my favorite fast food restaurant
what is arbys
the infamous card game i don't know how to play
what is hearts
my favorite class
what is social studies
what is my favorite tv show
what is survivor
my favorite band
what is fall out boy
my favorite youtuber
film theory/matpat
my favorite board game
what is candyland
my lowest subject
what is math (96%)
what is my second favorite movie
what is the bee movie
my least favorite song
what is all star by smash mouth
my favorite viner (rip)
who is thomas sanders or drew gooden
the game my sister bugs me to play with her
what is life
my highest subject
what is english (108%)
the best spiderman
who is toby maguire
the stringed instrument i play
what is the ukelele
my favorite amphibian
what is an axolatol
the card game i can beat my grandma at
what is rummy
The color of the hoodie i always wear
what is green