When you order same day shipping at 11:59pm, what do you see?
A flaming Amazon delivery truck speeding
What is Christina's rat's name?
What role does Haylie/Mike play in the family?
What is George's Minecraft name tag?
Is hiccup known as a hero in the book seris?
no, he is known as hiccup horrendous haddock the third the useless
What is a wonderful engine to make memes?
What are the names of all the pets you have had?
Wurm, Grub, Shiloh, Leonardo the catrio, merlin, and fin
What is Noah's nickname?
sacculus chadicus
What is the name of the female bounty hunter in metroid?
What book series has Samson been reading lately?
trapped in a videogame
What is CG5's song about memes called? (This is my favorite of his meme songs)
Sleeping in the nether
What pets died and what kind of animal were they?
Merlin and fin who were both fish
What is hated by all?
The word chunky
What is in-game currency in roblox?
Who is hiccup's cousin and who is hiccup's skinny friend?
snotlout and fishlegs
What is my favorite part of the kitchen gun song? (Wolfygirl can play it)
Say goodbye dirt
What are grubaloolooloolooloolooloo's favorite things to do?
eat and sleep
What were the names of the original ganzo brothers?
Bobby ganzo, jimmy ganzo, and Johnny ganzo
Has mr.beast done a last to leave the square wins lots of money?
no, circles yes, Lamborghini yes but not square
How did dogman come into the comics?
a bomb exploded and hurt a cop and police dog, and a nurse got an idea to sew the dog's head on the cop's body
Can wolfy do the default dance for fortnite?
Did Tarzan have a pet?
No, only animal friends
Who are the ganzos?
burl, Samuel, and Isaac
Has dream done a face reveal?
well, yes but actually no
Who wrote captain underpants, dogman, and much more?
Dav pilkey