This 1999 Nickelodeon cartoon show has 13 seasons has a very popular song at the beginning of the show. It has an annoying main character that laughs all the time and a dumb sidekick
SpongeBob Theme Song by SpongeBob Squarepants
This song was produced in 2007, has a stupid chorus, and will be stuck in your head for days on end. The song title is a popular candy shaped like an animal
I'm a Gummy Bear by I have no idea, probably evil gummy bears
This song came out in 2009 and is most popular with the video that goes alongside it. Lemonade and grapes are a part of the song as well as a cute yellow animal
The Duck Song by a youtube guy
This song is mostly heard from its game which consists of violet methods of passing away that are very stupid
Dumb Ways to Die by App Store
This song came out in 2019, lasts around 5 minutes long, and talks about saving the planet. This song includes some famous artists like Ariana Grande, Shawn Mendes, Snoop Dog, and many more!
Earth by Lil Dicky