My future career
What is a lawyer
The state I was born
Where is Georgia
The most recent musical I was in
What is high school remix
This is the color I hate
What is orange
What is Mandarin?
The number of siblings I have
What is one
My dream musical to be in
my least favorite class
What is English?
The hair dye brand I use
What is artic fox
The color my hair was when I was born
What is black
Everyone I’ve had to be romantically involved with on stage in the past two years, only have to get 3
Who is Marcus, Keiran, Richie, Jacob, Reagan, Lexus?
My biggest Opp
Who is Pixie.
The temperature I keep my car in the morning
What is 85 F?
The name of my first pet
Who is Chewie?
What is Beauty and the Beast?
The thing I least like doing in public.
What is eating?
My favorite color, exact
What is baby pink?
My first actual nickname that friends called me
Who is Boots?
One of the first three musicals I was ever in
What is Alice in wonderland?
What is the little mermaid?
What is seussical?
My biggest Pet Peeve
What is People telling me I’m wrong when I’m right?