What is my favorite food
Chiken Heart (Extra 100 points if you guessed pasta too)
My favorite Nintendo characters (ex. Mario, Pikachu, etc)
How many times have i prevented my friends from doing something stupid
18 times
What is my least favorite animal
What is something i like to draw but is complicated so i don’t draw it a lot
What is my favorite color
What is my favorite genre of games I like to watch
Horror games or anything multiplayer
What is my favorite drink
Jelly drinks with the ones with the cut up jelly
Who made me get into art
What is my least favorite experience that i still remember to this day
When we were going to get ramen and the cross walk said to walk and Mr. Poel Su said to not what and my foot got a booboo and then said we can walk right after >:(
How many video edits have I made in 2024-2025 (Closest answer wins)
What is my favorite mythical animal/spirit
9 tailed fox/Kitsune
What is my favorite thing to draw digitally
What is my least favorite thing to draw
Feet, toes are bad to draw
Who taught me digital art when I started out
Me myself and I, but now my friend gives me critiques and I give her advice as well :D
What is my favorite bird
What is my favorite fish
Who got me into video editing
what is the longest time I’ve taken on one edit (closest number wins, in hours)
10 hours
What was the worst birthday party i had
My friends come over and i planned activities for me and my friends my friends didn’t even pay attention or care and i was very sad and that’s when I started to dislike all my friends and that’s why I like to play games because I make more friends on there who have the same interests as me :D
What is my phone wallpaper based off of
My favorite YouTube streamer and content creator :)
What percentage of viewers was I in for my most watched YouTuber
What alias do I also go by that most of my friends call me by (ex. On Roblox, discord, YouTube etc)
Mirai Akuma (Reason why there is a last name cause I made a character and I gave it a backstory and i gave it a full name, but then I started going by that on games but USUALLY i just go by Mirai but most of my display names are ‘miraiakuma’)
What was the worst experience I had when i met someone but backfired in my favorite way possible :3
I was drawing and a girl came up to me and started making fun of my drawing saying it looked like another character and was making fun of me for how the neck was to skinny and had this really big ego so my friend found her instagram account and I started roasting her drawings because she couldn’t draw and traced all the ‘drawings’ in her picture and claimed it as hers and she had 800 followers and after that she had 50 and she was really sad and her ego was broken and she still doesn’t know who commented that and she still can’t draw and still traces everything (This was last year)
What was my first name on genshin
Idk i think it was like cotton or smth :|