Minimum information needed for an application to be filed.
Name, address, signature
free rent
free meals
public housing
free phone
Vendor payments
How is the filing date determined for a FS1
date stamp
can a 2 parent household with twin 3 year old children both be WR exempt
yes- one child assigned to each parent
a household that includes a ABAWD member with no child less than 18
6 months, after good cause will be required
the date it was submitted unless past buisness hours
what happens if TANF sanction is applied to a SNAP household
25% SNAP reduction
enter number verified by cleint statement
run against the hub
Aged blind and disabled
age 17 or less
age 60 or older
KTAP recipients
parent responsble for child under 6
receiving or applied for UIB
child under 18 in home
verified pregnant
receiving VA disability
A payment made directly to a vendor on behalf of a household member.
Other than a application or recert when would a client be asked to come into an office?
QC or claim interview
Name the criteria for an application to be expedited
Gross income less than shelter expenses
gross income less than 150 per month and less than 100 in resources
signed application
review tracker on ind screen
eye glasses