Money Management
Time Management
States and Capitals
The money used in a country
What is currency
A list of times , events and things to do
What is a schedule
If you deflect a ball while you are holding another ball, are you out?
What is NO
What os the capital of Alabama
What is Montgomery
List one way you can be kid to your best friend that is not giving them a material object.
What is Give them a compliment, ask them to play
A plan for spending and saving
What is money management
What is a time management plan?
What is a plan that shows how a person will spend time.
What are the 2 ways of getting back in the game?
What is A Jailbreak, of-r someone can catch a ball to get you in.
Lincoln is the capital of what state?
What is Nebraska
What if you and your friend were hanging out and you wanted to go to the skatepark, but your friend wanted to go swimming. How would you handle this so that there would be no hard feelings?
What is Do 1 thing then the other.
What is it called when you decide to spend a certain amount of money on something?
What is a budget
list 2 things that should be considered a priority when it comes to time management
What is eating, sleeping, school or work, family time
What is the procedure for getting somebody in when you catch a ball? 3 pieces of information.
What is 1. make sure you hand it to them, you must hand it to the very next person in line, you may not get out while you are over the blue line.
What is the capital of florida?
What is Tallahassee
What if a classmate came and told you a rumor about another classmate. What is your next move.
What is keep it to yourself, don't spread it.
When you go to an country that does not use the dollar. What do you need to do to buy things?
What is convert your money into their currency, or use travelers checks.
List the following things in order of importance: Video games, working at the dance studio, homework, eating breakfast, sleeping
What is sleeping & eating, homework, working at the dance studio, video games
What would you tell someone to do if they were afraid of getting hit by the ball?
What is get all the balls from the back and hand them to your front line players
Nashville is the capital of what state
What is Tennessee
How best can you include someone that doesn't always fit in?
What is ask them their interests, ask them to sit with you at lunch, try to find something in common.
List 3 ways school age children can earn money
What is chores, paper route, babysitting, mowing lawns, etc.
You have a job after school working at the YMCA 3 days a week, your hours are from right after school until 5 o clock. You have a big project due on friday. Give an example of how you are going to manage your time so that you are not up all night thursday finishing your project.
What is work a title bit on your project each day. see if someone can cover your shift for 1 day.
What is the keys to a successful game of jailbreak?
What is get out when you are out, don't argue, participate fully, try to get a jailbreak, cheer on your teammates
What is the capital of maine?
What is Augusta
What if you heard that someone was posting something about you of Facebook. What if the alleged comment was on other peoples pages. How would be the BEST way the handle this situation to end it.
What is try to find out who posted the original comment, and speak to them DIRECTLY. in person or on the phone is best. Emotions can often be confused over the written word.