3D Shapes
Word Problems
Define length
What is "measuring how long something is from end to end"
What is three examples for a length unit?
What is an inch, foot, yard? (centimeter)
What is the definition of a polygon?
What is "a closed figure with line segments and non intersecting lines"
Where is the vertex?
What is line segments meeting 
Miss Enciso gave an example of positive affirmations in the beginning of class. What is one of the positive affirmations that she game?

What is

I am intelligent

I am persistent

I am helpful

I can solve math problems

I am respectful to others using positive words

Define capacity?
What is "measuring how much a container can hold inside"?
What are three examples of weight measurements?
What is pounds, tons, grams? (ounces)
What is an example of a polygon?
What is triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, octagon?"
what is the edge?
What is outer line of a 3D object
What is 14 yards by 3 yards by 17 yards converted into inches
What is 8,568 inches?
Define weight
What is "measuring how heavy an object is"
How many yards are in 510 feet?
What is 170 yards?
What are the three descriptions (sides) of a triangle?
What is equilateral, isosceles, and scalene?
What is face
What is sides

Hector build a rectangular prism that measures 4in by 15 inches by 8 in. He then builds a second prism with a volume equal to one half of the original prism. What might the dimensions of the second prism be?

What is 2in by 7.5in by 4in?
Explain Converting Units of Measurements

What is "larger unit multiplying into smaller unit"?

What is " smaller unit dividing into larger unit"?


Jakob went camping in space and saw a space snake that was 39 inches long. He stayed out there for 3 months and saw that it grew 57 inches long. What is the total length of the snake in feet?

What is 8 feet?

What are the three triangular angles?
What is obtuse, right, and acute?
What is base?
What is the bottom of a 3D figure?
Terrianna has two super pets that are fish (she's a superhero by the way). Tank A has a base that is 26 ft by 25 ft and a height of 15 feet. Tank B has a base that is 25 ft by 24 ft and a height of 18 ft. Which tank has a greater volume?
What is Tank B?
Explain the Land of Gallon

What is "In the land of gallon there were 4 queens(quarts). Each queen had a prince and a princess (pints). Each of the princes and princesses had 2 children (cups) who were twins and 8 years old (ounces)."

What are all the units of measurement for capacity starting with the smallest unit?
What is ounces, cups, pints, quart, and gallon?
What is one example of a quadrilateral and explain

What is


  -trapezoid: exactly 1 pair of opposite sides parallel

  -parallelogram: opposite sides congruent and parallel

  -rectangle: 4 right angles & 2 opposite congruent sides

  -rhombus: 4 sides congruent

  -square: 4 sides congruent & 4 right angles

What is the formula for solving a cube?
What is length x width x height
Miss Enciso has said many Positive phrases to you throughout the time she has been with you. What are some positive things she has told you? 

You have 1 minute to write them all down. The more you come up with the more points you receive. If someone else has your when we read them outloud you cross them out.

You are _______