Where is Brazil
Where they slice the meats into different cuts
What is the cutting area
How much of the total agriculture land is Animal agriculture comprised of
What is 3/4
The area farmers take meat from the cows
What is the harvesting area
how much bigger are chickens now than 50 years ago
What percent of gas emissions is produced by the meat industry
The room where people prepare the meat products to be sent out
What is the ready to eat room
Name one of the two reasons why families prefer fast food
it is quick, or it is inexpensive
Who wrote the book "The Jungle" based on meat packing in Chicago
Upton Sinclair
What is the Packing area
Meat taste better, or it is better for the animals.
What is Mosa Meat
in what room do they cure and age the meat
What is cold storage
which president took on the beef trust
Teddy Roosevelt