Events before the Birth of the Prophet
Early life of the Prophet
Early Revelation Period
Dawah Period

These were the two major superpowers that the Arabs were close two

What are Roman and Persian Empires


This woman was the first person the prophet married ? She was the prophet's favourite wife. He met her while being a shepherd and did business with her

Who is Khadija bint Khuwaylid?


These are the first two Surahs that were revealed to the prophet

What is Surah Iqra and Surah Muddathir ?


These were events that the prophet was personally gifted. No one other than him witnessed them 

What is Isra and Mi'raj

These two people passed away in the same year. They affected the prophet emotionally and politically

Who are Khadija and Abu Talib


Origin of the Arabs came from two tribes - One of the them were the early (founder) ones and the other were remaining (adpoted).

Arab al Ba'idah (3aribah) and Arab al (Msta'rabah)


This incident was the prophet's first encounter with Jibreel, where Shaytaan was removed from his heart. It also caused Halima (nurse mother) to return the boy back to his parents

What is the opening of the prophet's heart ?


This was the cave that the prophet was in when he received the first revelation 

What is the Cave of Hiraa' ?


As things got worse for the Quraysh, the prophet suggested to whoever that is capable to emmigrate to this city. Only a few capable peopple migrated and they mostly returned back after a few years.

What is Abysinnia ?


This tactic - even though wasn't used against the prophet in the early years caused him a lot of stress. People like Bilal, Ammar ibn Yasir, and other non-arab/slaves went through it

What is Torture ?


This man helped discover Zam Zam when it got hidden by the Jurhumites

Who is Abdul Muttalib


The prophet was born on this year, where an army invaded Makkah and attempted to destroy the Ka'ba

What is the year of the elephant


This uncle openly rejected the prophet and when he was initially invited for a private da'wah, he cursed the prophet. A surah was later revealed in his name.

Who is Abu Lahab ?


The conversion of these two people was pivotal during the Meccan period. They were strong men that couldn't be messed around.

Who is Hamza and Omar ?


This is an incident that happened when the prophet was seeking refuge in cities outside Mecca. The prophet described it as the most difficult day of his life

What is the incident of Ta'if ?


The discovery of this journey was one of the most economical/political things done by Hashim. Allah also references this in Surah Quraysh

What is the journey of Winter and Summer


In this event, there was a symbol of the prophet reuniting the Ummah when he put the black stone in the Ka'baa together with Banu Hashim and Banu Makhzoom

What is the rebuilding of the Ka'ba ?


This was an old man who when the prophet and Khadija went to regarding the revelation incident, said: This is the great revelation that came to Moses!

Who is Waraqah ibn Nawfl ?


This form of tactic was used by the Quraysh against the prophet to twist the Islam to their liking. Some examples:

Let us worship on one day, you worship on another

If you get rid of the lower class, we will accept Islam

If you want money/fame/women/anything, we can give it to you. Just don't preach Islam

What is bribery ?


This was enacted to all of Banu Hashim - whether they are Muslim or non Muslim for Abu Talib's constant refusal to give up the prophet. No person engaged with the Banu Hashim during this period 

What is the Boycott of all Hashimites?


This man was responsible for introducing idoltry in Makkah

Who is Amr ib Lu7ayy

This was a pact amongst all the Quraysh people to establish justice when someone is being oppressed even if a Quraish member is the oppresor

What is Hilf al Fudhool ?


This man was the first man outside of family member to accept Islam. The prophet said unlike the rest, when he was approached about Islam, he immediately accepted it with no hesitation 

Who is Abu Bakr ?


This is an incident typically used by modern atheists/christians. It occured when the prophet was reciting Surah Najm and the Quraysh heard their idols being praised

What is the story of the Pelicans / Incident of the Satanic verses?


When things finally got out of control, the Quraysh decided to kill the prophet which eventually led the Prophet and Abu Bakr to do this:

What is Hijrah ?