What type of sensor converts light into an electrical signal?
Answer: Photodiode
What is the term for the difference between a desired setpoint and the actual process variable?
Answer: Error Signal
What is the term for the part of a robot that interacts with the environment?
Answer: End Effector
What is the term for the process of converting an analog signal into a digital signal?
Answer: Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC)
What is the term for a small computer on a single integrated circuit?
Answer: Microcontroller
What is the term for an actuator that produces rotational motion?
Answer: Servo Motor
What kind of control system uses feedback to maintain a desired output?
Answer: Closed-Loop System
What is the term for a coordinate system used to define the position and orientation of a robot?
Answer: Frame of Reference
What type of filter allows signals with a frequency higher than a certain cutoff frequency to pass through?
Answer: High-Pass Filter
What is the term for the software that directly interacts with the hardware in an embedded system?
Answer: Firmware
What type of sensor is used to detect the presence of an object without physical contact?
Answer: Proximity Sensor
What is the term for the mathematical representation of the relationship between input and output in a control system?
Answer: Transfer Function
What type of robot arm is designed to replicate the motions of a human arm?
Answer: Articulated Robot
What is the term for the transformation used to convert a time-domain signal into its frequency-domain representation?
Answer: Fourier Transform
What type of memory retains data even when the power is turned off?
Answer: Non-volatile Memory
Which sensor measures the rate of change in angular position?
Answer: Gyroscope
Which type of controller adjusts the control signal based on the current error, the integral of the error, and the derivative of the error?
Answer: PID Controller
What is the term for the mathematical description of a robot's movement capabilities in space?
Answer: Kinematics
What is the term for unwanted variations in a signal?
Answer: Noise
What is the term for a system that can process data in real-time without delay?
Answer: Real-Time System
What is the term for the smallest incremental motion that a sensor can detect?
Answer: Resolution
What is the term for the process of determining the stability and performance of a control system using a graphical representation?
Answer: Bode Plot
What is the term for the programming of a robot to perform tasks autonomously?
Answer: Automation
What is the term for the process of reconstructing a signal from its samples?
Answer: Interpolation
What is the term for a graphical representation of the logic flow in an embedded system?
Answer: Flowchart