Labs and Diagnostics
Peri operative

Laboratory test that measures the amount of cross-linked fibrin fragments.

What is d-dimer?


This medication is used for induction and to maintain general anesthesia.  It has no pain management properties.  It must be avoided if allergic to eggs.

What is propofol?


When prioritizing care the nurse should implement which action first?


 Evaluate a.m. labs. on a client who is prescribed a potassium-sparing diuretic 


 Administer sliding scale insulin to a client with a blood glucose of 350 mmol/L 


Report a hemoglobin level of 12.5 g/dL to the health care provider 

 4. Admit a client who is scheduled for an elective hip replacement surgery

What is number 2.


The name of this sign.

What is butterfly rash?


The only fluid that can be hung with blood administration.

What is normal saline?

Stimulates the inflammatory response and offers protection against various types of infection and foreign bodies.

What is WBC?


The nurse cannot provide any new information that remains unclear to the patient but may reinforce any information before the patient signs this.  The nurse witnesses signature.

What is surgical consent?


The nurse is caring for a client who is six hours postoperative following a thoracotomy. Which intervention noted in the plan of care does the nurse prioritize in order  to promote circulation? 


 Remove the Foley catheter when the client is one day postoperative. 

 2. Ensure bowel sounds are present in all four quadrants. 

 3. Assist the client to turn, cough, and deep breathe. 

 4. Assist the client with early ambulation.

What is answer number 4.


The name of the type of lupus that only affects the skin.

What is Discoid lupus erythematous or cutaneous lupus.


The most common type of anemia due to inadequate intake and common in pediatrics, adolescents, and pregnant clients.

Iron-deficiency anemia.


HIV targets these cells.  Used to test for viral loads of the disease.

What are CD4 - T lymphocytes?


List five risk factors for surgical complications.

What are OSA, pregnancy, respiratory disease, cardiac disease, DM, liver disease, kidney disease, immunocompromised, coagulation deficits, malnutrition, high BMI, substance use, genetic history, allergies, and older clients with co-morbidities.


Which of the following clients must be checked first?

  1. The client who has been in the hospital for three days after being diagnosed with COPD exacerbation
  2. The post-MI client who’s been around for a day or two
  3. The client who just came out of the operating room after having an angiocath
  4. The client who is has been in the hospital four days for asthma and has a sat of 98%.

Who is client 3.


What are trauma, infection, certain medications, UV light exposure, and stress.

What are triggers for lupus exacerbation?

The name of the medication that is given to replenish iron in the blood and iron stores taken between meals to increase absorption if tolerated. May also cause black tarry stools.

What is ferrous sulfate?


Repeated measurements are obtained because of dietary intake on results.  Consistent elevation above 6.5 mg/dL is associated with gout.

What is blood uric acid?


Name the five categories of evaluation on the Aldrete score.

What are activity, consciousness, respiration's, oxygen saturation, and circulation.


The nurse is employed in an ED.  You are triaging patient's today.  The nurse should assign priority to which client? 

1.  A client complaining of muscle aches, a headache, and malaise.

2. A client who twisted their ankle when she feel rollerblading. 

3. A client with a minor laceration to the index finger while cutting a eggplant.

4. A client with chest pain who states the just ate hot wings that were made with a real spicy sauce.

What is number 4. 

Clients with trauma, chest pain, severe respiratory distress, or cardiac arrest, limb amputations, neurological deficits that are acute, or chemical splashes or burns are priority 1.


Medication used in patient with lupus that suppresses the immune system and two nursing considerations with this medication.

What is methotrexate.  Monitor for toxic effects and infections because it causes bone marrow suppression and can increase live enzymes.


The two most common blood labs that are checked four to six weeks after the initiation of treatment and are used to monitor response to treatment over time.

What are HGB and HCT?


These two tests are elevated in a response to inflammation or infection in the body.

What are Erythrocyte sedimentary rate (ESR) and C-Reactive Protein.  


The time prior to surgery when the team reviews patient identity, procedure, and surigcal site before the start of the procedure

What is a "time out"?


You are reviewing a CBC for a patient who has been admitted for knee arthroscopy.  Which value is most important to report to the physical before surgery? 

1. Hematocrit of 33%

2. Hemoglobin level of 10.9g/dL

3. Platelet count of 426,000/mm3

4. White blood cell count of 16,000

What is number 4. 

The CDC guidelines for prevention of surgical site infections indicate that surgery should be postponed since there is evidence of pre-existing infection as noted by an elevated WBC.


The nurse is discussing autoimmune disorders with a group new nurses.  Which signs and symptoms are shared by rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematousus (SLE)? 

1. Nodules in the subcutaneous layer and bone deformity.

2. Renal involvement and pleural effusions. 

3. Joint stiffness and pain. 

4. Raynaud's phenomenon and skin rash.

What is number 3.  


The persistent eating of substances not normally considered food (nonnutriative substances) such as soil or chalk for at least one month, which can limit the amount of health food choices the client makes.

What is pica?