the correct meaning of leukocytes
what are white blood cells?
this medicine reduces the workload of the heart by slowing the rate of the heartbeat.
what is a beta blocker?
the correct term for the inflammation of the heart valve
what is valvulitis?
leukemia is
What is a type of cancer of which increased production in abnormal WBC are found in blood forming tissues, organs, and circulating in the blood?
what is atrial fibrillation?
this is the protein in erythrocytes that give them their color
what is hemoglobin?
this medicine stimulates kidneys to increase urine production to rid the body of excess sodium and water.
What is a diuretic?
phlebitis: the inflammation of...
what are the veins?
myocardial infarction
What is coronary artery disease?
the correct term for red blood cells
what is erythrocytes?
injection of thallium into the blood stream while testing how well blood flows through the coronary arteries during exercise
what is the thallium stress test?
the correct term for abnormally swollen veins that usually occur in the superficial veins of the legs
What are varicose veins?
this is the condition of having a blood clot attached to the interior wall of an artery
what is thrombosis?
what is red blood count?
the general term for the pathologic condition of the cellular elements of the blood.
What is blood dyscrasia?
an ace inhibitor blocks the action of... to...
what is enzyme to contract blood vessels?
endocarditis is the inflammation of ....
a broad term of diseases on the heart muscle
what is cardiomyopathy?
fasting blood sugar
What is FBS?
lower than normal number of erythrocytes in the blood
What is anemia?
This is a blood thinner
what is an anticoagulant?
a type of cancer in which this is insufficient production of one or more types of blood cells
what is myelodysplastic syndrome?