Word root, combining form, suffix, prefix
what are the four types of word parts?
situated nearest the midline or beginning of the body structure
What does proximal mean?
Oss/e, oss/i, oste/o, ost/o
what are the four combining forms of bones?
muscul/o, my/o, myos/o
what are the three combining forms for muscles?
Where do the phones go when you enter the classroom?
what is the suffix for abnormal narrowing?
Body cavities, body planes, body directions, structural units
what are the four reference systems?
center of long bones, storage for red and yellow bone marrow.
what is the medullary cavity?
what is one function of the muscular system?
what is the abbreviation for myocardial infarction?
what is the abbreviation for nothing by mouth?
the space formed by the hip bones and contains organs of the reproductive and excretory systems.
What is the pelvic cavity?
fracture treatment in which pins used in bone to hold broken pieces.
what is the definition of internal fixation?
Muscle fibers, fascia, tendons.
what are the structures of the muscular system?
An infection that results from bacteria or other infectious organisms entering the blood stream?
what is the definition for sepsis?
what is the abbreviation for every two hours?
Any disease without a known cause
what is a idiopathic disease?
curved fibrous cartilage in some joints.
What is the definition of meniscus?
lacking normal muscle tone or strength.
What is the definition of atonic?
how many lymph nodes are in our lymphatic system?
what is the abbreviation for regarding or concerning?
What is the Umbilicus?
type of arthritis characterized by deposits of urate crystals in the joints.
What is the definition of gout?
diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity within the muscle fibers in response to nerve stimulation.
what is the definition for electromyography?
a blood borne infection that damages or kills the T cells of the immune system causing it to progressively fail.
what is the definition of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)?